
Europe will allow the use of glyphosate within the Union for another 10 years.The European Commission established this "on the basis of comprehensive safety assessments conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)" together "with the Member States".While for years there has been discussion on the impact on biodiversity and, above all, on the food risks for consumers produced by glyphosate - classified by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer as potentially carcinogenic in 2015 -, a group of European chemical multinationals with strong commercial interests in the most used herbicide in the world (among which the names of Bayer, Syngenta and Nufarm stand out) had made a request for an extension.And now they will be satisfied.In the press release announcing the decision, the Commission wrote that the use of glyphosate will in any case be subordinated "to some new conditions and restrictions", ma...

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