ciclone Boris

For now there are no injured or missing people, but the images of the floods in Emilia-Romagna in recent hours have brought us to mind what happened just over a year ago.Among the municipalities involved there are Faenza and Castel Bolognese, already seriously affected in May last year.In Faenza the Marzeno river overflowed and flooded some countryside south of the city.In Castel Bolognese, the overflowing of the Senio has caused flooding that is approaching the center. Flood in Emilia-Romagna:the causes and interventions made so far, and what to do to mitigate the risk and address climate change The Municipality of Ravenna, in the night, signed an ordinance in which it invites those who live along the banks of the Lamone and Montone rivers to go to the upper floors or to reach the Pala De Andrè, open as a reception point.In the municipalities of Russi, Bagnacavallo and Forlì, among the most affected areas, citizens were invited to avoid unnecessary travel as muc...

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