
Despite the possible health risks and the appeals of many citizens for caution, the Meloni government - in the IX Senate Commission - approved an amendment to the Competition Bill which allows the raising of exposure limits, attention values ​​and quality objectives related to electromagnetic fields.The values ​​go "provisionally and as a precaution" - we read in the text - from the current 6 volt meter (V/m) to 15.Above all, the Minister for Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, welcomed the amendment enthusiastically:«With the approval of the amendment to the Competition Bill which allows the raising of exposure limits to electromagnetic fields, Italy is finally moving in the European direction, making up for decades-long delays.In our country the emission limit for electromagnetic fields was stuck at 6 V/m, making it the lowest among those in the EU, so much so that it slowed down the development of 5G networks in urban areas" he state...

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