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In three years in Melbourne, the insect species present in a small area of the city have increased sevenfold.The project, illustrated by a team of Australian researchers in a new study published in Ecological Solutions and Evidence, started in April 2016 and it transformed a small urban space using new topsoil, fertilization, decompaction of the soil and organic mulch.The result was the perfect habitat for 12 different species of native plants which led to the appearance of 94 different types of insects.It's about a real ecosystem:Detrivores that recycle nutrients, herbivores that provide food for reptiles, and predators that keep parasites under control have appeared.The team of researchers was led by Luis Mata of the University of Melbourne, who said he would "like to see many more urban green spaces transformed into habitats for native species".The hope is that “the study will serve as a catalyst for a new way of demonstrating how the greening urban can...