The European Parliament on 10 April voted in plenary composition the adoption of the new Pact for migration and asylum:the approved rules will be formally adopted, after the European Council has approved them, by June 2024.It is the end of a journey that began four years ago.The European Commission's 2020 legislative proposal was born with the aim of outlining a common European framework for the management of migration and asylum, with various legislative proposals. At the end of last year, the Council and the European Parliament had reached a provisional agreement, but that already he marked the direction of the Union's policy, sui five key pillars:the regulation on the management of asylum and migration, the response to migratory crises, asylum procedures, the implementation of the European Dactyloscopie (Eurodac) and the new screening procedures. What we talk about in this article:The enthusiasm of the European institutions for a vote they define as "historic"What the...