
In Serbia there is once again a major open conflict between the government and the peasants.The object of the dispute is the project, on which the executive led by Aleksandar Vučić has put the brand, of open a huge lithium mine in the agricultural valley of Jadar, in the western part of the country.In fact, the area contains one of the largest lithium deposits in Europe, an essential mineral for the production of electric car batteries.And while the government emphasizes the fact that the mine is a great opportunity for the economic development of the country and for the multiplication of jobs, farmers, environmentalist movements and critics get in the way, stating that the operations would produce an irreparable pollution of groundwater and rivers that cross the valley, with possible contamination of agricultural land.Today, in Belgrade, a large demonstration will take place which will bring together thousands of people, who will ask for a law that bans the extraction of lit...

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