
In recent months there have been numerous protests by activists criticizing the damage caused by the expansion of the plant

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The actual implementation of the measure, one of the most ambitious in the European green agenda, will begin at the end of 2024.But eight governments protest

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Grazie alle scelte politiche dei governi del Brasile e della Colombia prese lo scorso anno, la deforestazione dell’Amazzionia ha decisamente frenato il proprio passo. Le decisioni del governo del presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva hanno infatti fatto registrare un calo del 36% nella perdita di foreste primarie nel 2023 (il livello più basso dal 2015), mentre in Colombia, sotto la presidenza di Gustavo Petro, la perdita di foreste primarie si è dimezzata (-49%) rispetto all’anno precedente. Dati simili dimostrano come la tutela dell’ambiente costituisca a tutti gli effetti una scelta politica praticabile, e come la decisione nel perseguire tali obiettivi possa portare, in un solo anno, a raggiungere risultati straordinari. Nei primi 9 mesi del 2023, la deforestazione nella regione colombiana è crollata del 70% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente, quando il trend era già in diminuzione rispetto al 2021 (-21%). Il governo di...

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In the last six years, 800 million trees have been cut down to satisfy the world's hunger for meat

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The weekly round-up on the climate crisis and data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The idea of ​​doing a weekly round-up on the climate crisis was born in the wake of the climate newsletter Guardian which every week publishes data on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, an indicator that tells us the state of the climate crisis and the health of our planet.This week, the atmospheric concentration of CO2, the greenhouse gas primarily responsible for global warming, exceeded 424 parts per million (ppm) for the first time.In recent days it had already exceeded 423.More than half of the CO2 produced by human activities, from the Industrial Revolution to today, was released in the atmosphere since 1990.Unfortunately, this data is not newsworthy and is not reflected in the climate policies of governments, whose actions to cut emissions are regularly deferred over time in the name of energy security (and to guarantee the difficult compromises required by the ecological transition).An...

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More than 30% of Ecuador's current total surface area has been impacted by human activity, and much of this loss has come at the expense of the Amazon rainforest, this is the summary of a long relationship produced by the Ecuadorian environmental NGOs EcoCiencia and MapBiomas Ecuador together with other independent researchers.The research also records the reduction of glaciers and changes in land cover triggered by the expansion of capitalist activities such as agriculture, forestry, mining and oil extraction that have affected the country from the coast to the Andes.The researchers analyzed and compared satellite images taken between 1985 and 2022, finding that Ecuador lost 1.16 million hectares of natural land cover during this period.To understand the order of magnitude, it is an area slightly larger than the entire Abruzzo region, a very large surface area for a country like Ecuador, which is smaller than Italy. In the Ecuadorian Amazon, themining activity – especially...

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Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is growing falling for the eighth consecutive month.THE data, published by the National Space Research Institute (INPE) of Brazil, highlight how in November the deforestation amounted to 201 square kilometers, with a cumulative loss that in the last 12 months amounts to 5,206 square kilometers, 51% less compared to the figure noted during the same period last year.Since January 2023, deforestation has reached 4,977 square kilometers, marking a significant reduction compared to last year.Of course, the forest surface continues to decrease, still prey to timber and raw materials companies that cut it down, but the pace has dropped significantly thanks to the new protection measures implemented by the Brazilian government, the first step towards a reversal trend that now appears possible;also in light of President Lula's commitment to completely stamp out the business and criminal organizations that operate in the illegal deforestation of the forest w...

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