The role of European elections in the protection of animal rights


Animal rights:what is at stake and what are the proposals of the main Italian parties running for the European elections in June.

The Union and the member states take full account of the requirements regarding welfare of animals as sentient beings”.This is what Article 13 of Title II of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.There are two main agreements that translate this principle into a series of concrete commitments:there European Convention for the Protection of Animals for Farming Purposes of 1976 and the European Convention for the Protection of Companion Animals of 1987.The latter recognizes that "man has a moral obligation to respect all living creatures".There Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992, known as the "habitat directive", finally establishes specific criteria for the conservation of wild flora and fauna.

The vote that each of us will have the opportunity to express at European elections of 8 and 9 June will decide which MEPs will represent us in the drafting of new laws and will influence the election of the European Commission.The European Parliament has great power:in 2021, for example, it approved the resolution on “EU biodiversity strategy for 2030”, adding an important piece to the Habitats Directive.This year, however, he gave the green light to nature restoration law (Nature restoration law).If the text also receives final approval from the Council of the EU, overcoming the opposition of some member states, it will guarantee the reconstruction of ecosystems essential for the survival of wild species, starting from those that fall within the Natura 2000 network.

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The Habitats Directive protects wildlife © Erika Fletcher/Unsplash

Animal rights, citizens' requests and other issues to work on after the European elections

Shark finning

We are talking about both terrestrial and marine ecosystems and there are many species to be protected, some of which are perhaps unexpected.The European Union is responsible for almost half of shark fin exports globally, for example.The countries most involved in trafficking are Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, France and Italy.There European Commission kept its word to the citizens who joined the initiative “Stop finning – Stop the trade” and in February it started assessing the impacts of a possible ban on shark fin trade in the Union.The task of the new legislature will be to complete the analysis.

Cage breeding

The population is also calling for the introduction of more stringent rules for the protection of animals on farms, compared to those contained in Directive 98/58/EC which followed up the '76 Convention.Following the European citizens' initiative “End the cage age”, signed by 1.4 million people, Parliament called on the Commission to present a proposal for ban cage breeding across the entire community territory by 2027.

The transport of live animals

In addition to the problem of cages, there is that of means of transport:every year, millions of live animals are transported by road, by sea, by rail and by air between member states and to third countries for various purposes, including slaughter.Although there are European standards aimed at protecting their well-being during this type of travel, aparliamentary inquiry revealed how they are not always respected by member countries and do not fully take into account the different needs of animals, often forcing them to travel in conditions of overcrowding and extreme heat. Prohibit transportation over long distances, starting from pregnant or unweaned specimens, could be one of the objectives to be achieved after the elections.

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The transported animals are condemned to conditions of extreme stress © iStockphoto

Animal testing

If the European Union already has banned animal testing in the cosmetics sector, theEuropean citizens' initiative “Saving cruelty-free cosmetics:commit to a Europe without animal experimentation” pushed the Commission to commit to outlining a roadmap to find valid alternatives also in the processes of evaluating the safety of chemical substances, in research and in education.It will therefore be essential to proceed along this path.

The fur trade

And if 85 percent of Italian voters declare themselves interested in animal protection, according to a survey carried out by Youtrend/Quorum for the Vote for animals coalition, 63 percent would like restrictions on the production and marketing of furs existing in Italy were extended to the entire European territory.73 percent also ask for the introduction of clear rules regarding the breeding, traceability and transfer of dogs and cats.

Stray animals

As the foundation points out Save the dogs and other animals, In fact, there is no European directive that regulates issues such as sale of puppies, the prevention of strays and the management of kennels and catteries:each state is left alone to decide which regulations to apply.It is estimated that there are almost half a million dogs and cats ready to be sold at any time within the European Union, coming from legal or illegal breeders, and there is no common registry.All this could change, also thanks to the appointment of a European Commissioner for Animal Welfare.

diritti animali, benessere animale, elezioni europee 2024
A stray cat © Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez/Unsplash

Animal rights, the proposals of the main political groups candidates for the European elections

Brothers of Italy – Ecr party

Waiting for the publication of Europe program Of Brothers of Italy, the party of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, let's remember these words of the prime minister:“Pets are part of the family, to all intents and purposes, and Fratelli d'Italia intends to fight to guarantee them a dignified life full of affection.Among our initiatives already underway is the tightening of penalties for those who mistreat or abandon them.We want to fight to stop the illegal trafficking of the approximately 300 thousand puppies that arrive from Eastern Europe and are sold in Italy every year for thousands of euros after having undergone endless days of travel in pitiful conditions.We also want to expand the activities of pet therapy”.

These are some of the main points of the document published in view of the 2022 political elections, to which are added:training and information campaigns on respect for animals;protection of species and biodiversity through the valorization of protected areas;safeguarding rural culture;decisive fight against poaching.Again with a view to getting an idea regarding the positions of the party and its representatives, including the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida, we would like to point out that on 6 May the Council of Ministers approved the Agriculture decree which brought the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-Food Unit Command of the Carabinieri back under the direct control of the ministry led by Lollobrigida, rather than the Ministry of the Environment.In the manifest published on April 24 by Party of European Conservatives and Reformists (Ecr party) in view of the European elections there is no mention of animal rights.

Democratic Party – Party of European Socialists

The leitmotif of campaign of Democratic Party is "The Europe we want", which presents itself as "a manifesto for a European project that is more supportive and attentive to ecological issues".The party's objective is to jointly address the challenges related to social and climate justice.There is also a strong commitment to trying to end conflicts.We take this opportunity to remember that wars in Ukraine And Middle East they are also having strong repercussions on animals, from domestic to farmed ones, to wild ones.

The protection of animal welfare is among the proposals developed by the Democratic Party in 2022, with an emphasis on the importance of strengthening sanctions to combat mistreatment and increasing the spread of reception facilities, as well as protecting the sea and supporting the transition ecological in the fishing sector. Annalisa Corrado, dem responsible for ecological conversion, recently commented on the decision of the EU Council to postpone the approval of the law on the restoration of nature as "a very serious mistake for which we will all pay dearly".

In the program of Party of European Socialists (PSE), to which the Democratic Party is associated, we read:“With the Green Deal we will reduce our environmental footprint, restore and care for our forests, clean our air, water and soil and protect ecosystems.We want to protect our environment, sustainable agriculture, rural development, biodiversity and people's health.The European Union must protect species diversity and animal welfare."

5 Star Movement – ​​Non-members

Waiting for the European program of 5 Star Movement is approved by the members during the vote scheduled for May 14th, we have reached Martina Pluda, candidate in the north-east constituency and jurist specialized in the protection of animal and species rights.“I firmly believe that guaranteeing the protection of animals and fighting for the affirmation of their rights is a question of civilization and social justice.The theme of animal protection is central within the political program of the 5 Star Movement for the European elections, not only with regard to family and wild animals, but also in the broader context of food production and its ethical, environmental and human impact. public health.We propose a stop to funding for intensive farming, we say yes to a reform of legislation on animal welfare and the transition to more ethical and sustainable food systems, supporting research in the field of alternative proteins and cellular agriculture".

Martina Pluda movimento 5 stelle
Martina Pluda © Giovanni Tesei

The proposals mentioned are listed in the thirteenth chapter of the program.The need to "improve the current laws for the protection of farmed animals", including fish species, is supported, for example by introducing "the obligation of pre-slaughter stunning, the ban on using high-growth breeds" and to implement practices such as “beaking, dehorning, tail and testicle amputation and force-feeding”.Both the European citizens' initiative against it are mentioned shark finning, both that againstuse of cages on farms, in addition to the need to review the rules relating to transport of live animals and put an end to fur trade.Also included are cruelty-free scientific research, the conservation of large carnivores and a ban on the import of trophies Of hunting.There is a whole focus on supporting research in the field of meat cultivated.

“Furthermore, as a candidate for the European elections, I signed the manifesto Vote for animals (Even animals vote)”, continues Pluda.“It's time to transform these commitments into concrete actions and I am happy that the 5 Star Movement fully supports the requests of animal rights associations and is the party with the largest number of candidates.In Europe, I want to be a spokesperson for the battles to defend all animals and nature, with determination and commitment as I have always done with my work, at the head of one of the main international organizations for animal protection".

Forza Italia – European People's Party

Among the priorities of Forza Italia And We moderates, summarized in the manifesto “With us at the center of Europe”, there is the protection of agriculture and fishing, "two strategic sectors for Europe".“Environmental protection – according to the party – must be achieved with the collaboration of those who work our land”.The candidates therefore oppose “excessive requirements and additional burdens on our farmers”;propose a reform of Common agricultural policy (CAP) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).In the latter case, the objective is to "guarantee a quality supply and reduce dependence on imports, supporting the sector in the sustainable transition".

The program for the 2024 European elections is complemented by a series of thematic cards edited by the various departments of Forza Italia, including one on animal rights, written by Gianluca Comazzi.Among them reported objectives, there are the introduction of new community rules on the traceability of dogs and cats and the obligation to identify and register animals to prevent illegal trade.We also highlight the need to support the responsible adoption and sterilization of pets and to tighten sanctions for those who mistreat or abandon them.There is also a commitment to improving the conditions of animals in captivity, protecting species at risk of extinction and implementing educational programs in schools.

Also the European People's Party (EPP) cites the CAP and the urgency of reconciling the expectations of society and consumers with "the protection of natural resources" and "animal welfare", since "protecting biodiversity and precious resources such as water, air and forests it is our insurance for the future."

Lega – Identity and democracy party

“More Italy, less Europe” is the company's claim campaign of Alloy Of Matteo Salvini, "in defense of the homes and cars of the Italians" and of the soldiers called to fight in Ukraine.Nothing else has been published on the site yet, beyond a brief voting guide.In the party program of 2022, however, there was an entire chapter relating to “protecting animal welfare”.Among the proposals, the lowering of VAT on veterinary services and food for pets;the fight against stray dogs;the revision of the legislation regulating the trade of pets and the promotion of informed adoptions;the establishment of a parliamentary commission for stray dogs with an ad acta commissioner;the tightening of penalties for those who mistreat, abandon or kill pets.“We need to recognize the increasingly important role of animals within our communities and families and the changing sensitivity towards them:more and more citizens firmly condemn behaviors of physical and psychological violence towards them, loudly asking for an adaptation of the current legislation in force on animal protection", we read in the document.

In the program of Party identity and democracy, to which the League refers, there is no reference to the environment.However, let's report one comment by Marco Zanni, president of the group:“The restoration of nature is part of the broader Green Deal strategy with which the European Commission has decided to put its seal on the legislature that is about to end.Although in principle some climate and biodiversity protection objectives could be supported, the practical implementation of this project has proven disastrous.Ambition has turned into wishful thinking and pragmatism has been replaced by an ideology that has produced unattainable rules and goals."

United States of Europe – Alde, European Democratic Party

The list of United States of Europe brings together +Europe, the party of Emma Bonino who joined the Vote for animals manifesto; Italia Viva and other formations.This is what we read in the card of values of the party led by Matteo Renzi:“The care of human and non-human living beings, of the environment, of our landscape and natural heritage is central to us.We are committed to promoting a model of sustainable development, which is based on the responsible use of technology and combats the culture of waste.Protecting the environment means protecting our health and that of future generations."

In the priorities of poster of European Democratic Party (PDE), to which Italia Viva refers, there is the fight for the conservation of biodiversity and the adoption of an action and support program for sheep farms that find themselves directly faced with coexistence with large predators (bears, wolves, lynxes, etc.).There is also support for “a common agricultural policy that is fair to all farmers” and “that supports a gradual transition towards cultivation methods that minimize the use of plant protection products and replace them with more environmentally friendly alternatives ”, capable of guaranteeing “high standards of animal welfare”.

Even in poster of party of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (Alde), which includes +Europa, indicates the desire to "reform the Common Agricultural Policy with the aim of eliminating bureaucratic burdens for farmers and supporting sustainable food production, respecting biodiversity and animal welfare".

Alliance of Greens and the Left – European Greens

One of the points of program ofGreen and left alliance is to “protect climate and biodiversity”.In particular, it mentions the need to "restore nature and restore ecosystems currently at risk, because biodiversity saves the planet".Another point is the fight against pesticides, "harmful to our health, as well as to the environment":the proposal is to "change the model and invest in organic farming, in kilometer zero and in the protection of small farmers".It's something that could also benefit wildlife, given that intensive agriculture and the use of pesticides are among the main causes of the decline of wildlife. pollinating insects.Among the promises of the candidates, that of supporting the progressive elimination of cages on farms and the appointment of a European Commissioner for animal welfare.

At the Italian level, however, the Alliance boasts a program full of ideas which could also inspire its work at a European level, including:the abolition of hunting and the prevention of poaching;the implementation of management plans relating to threatened or invasive species;the introduction of more effective sanctions to combat mistreatment and other crimes against animals;the prevention of stray animals and the promotion of informed adoptions;overcoming animal testing;The overcoming the use of animals in circuses and the reduction of those on farms.

Among the priorities of European Greens there are the nature restoration and “an end to animal cruelty”.The candidates promise to commit to "ban the use of cages on farms and the breeding of fur animals, limit the transport of animals and put an end to the transport of live specimens over long distances on board trucks and ships".In the manifest, longer, it also mentions the urgency of revolutionizing the current agricultural system, based on "pesticides, monocultures and animal suffering" and of "making animal welfare a priority".The party's commitment "extends to all animals, including those used in science, domestic animals (including exotic ones, ed) and wild".“We will fight to put an end to cruel practices such as the systematic killing of male chicks, force-feeding, hunting activities and bullfights,” promise the Greens.

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The protection of male chicks is among the priorities of the Greens © Afra Ramió/Unsplash

Action – Alde

Members of the party founded by Carlo Calenda they believe that "the entire system of the Green deal" needs to be reformed.The programmatic manifesto, however, refers above all to the need to review European rules "in the light of a series of technologically neutral impact analyses, accompanied by a clear indication of the funding sources".No mention of the protection of ecosystems or animal rights.

In the full version of the document, the importance of stipulating cooperation agreements with African countries which also lead to the implementation of reforestation programs and desertification, to protect the environment and natural resources.Although the goal is more to "address the root causes of migration", restoring African ecosystems can benefit species such as the so-called "big five":lion, leopard, African elephant, African buffalo and rhinoceros.The need to adopt useful measures to minimize the damage caused by climate change in agriculture is then highlighted, paying particular attention to water resources.However, the candidates propose to re-discuss the intermediate objectives of the strategy Farm to fork, including the reduction of the use of pesticides, to protect agricultural companies.

Also Action, like +Europa, falls within the party of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (Alde).As anticipated, the proposals drawn up by Alde include a reform of the CAP which, moreover, is one of the tools aimed at promoting the achievement of the objectives of the Green deal mentioned in the Calenda programme.The Liberals aim to protect "farmers, biodiversity and animal welfare", but also "fishermen" and "oceans".The importance of “moving to the circular economy” to reduce the exploitation of natural resources and its impact on biodiversity is also cited.

One more tip

On the campaign website Vote for animals 2024, promoted by the coalition “Animals vote too”, it is possible to personally write to the parties and monitor the commitment of candidates on the main issues related to the protection of nature and the well-being of our four-legged friends.

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