We have the opportunity to transform the circus into an immortal spectacle, rather than an immoral one



“No more animals in circuses”.It is the appeal that Lav launched to the Italian government and the title of the campaign that we can all support.

August 18, 2024:a date to mark on the calendar.The fate of those around will depend on what happens that day two thousand animals who are still forced to perform in Italian circuses.There are two options:or the Enabling law no.106 of 2022 on "overcoming the use of animals in circuses and traveling shows" will lapse without coming into force, or will it finally become reality thanks to a implementing law.

campagna Lav stop ai circhi
You have until August to convince the Italian government to make a definitive decision regarding the use of animals in circuses © Lav

How to support the Lav campaign

We cannot miss the opportunity to change the course of history, as happened with the first enabling law, the n.175 of 2017, which expired before the issuing of the implementing decrees.That's why Work, engaged for forty years in the promotion of circus shows that do not involve the exploitation of other species, has launched the campaign “No more animals in circuses”.Each of us can participate by signing at this link a petition to be submitted to Parliament, to the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, and to the Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano.

What is the opinion of Italians regarding circuses with animals

The petition has already collected 40 thousand signatures.After all, 76 percent of Italians are against the use of animals in circuses, without significant differences in age, geographical origin and political orientation.This is what emerged from the survey commissioned by Lav to Doxa Bva in September 2023.The 79 percent he declared himself in favor of allocating public funds currently allocated to circuses with animals to those which, however, do not involve their exploitation.While 45 percent of those interviewed revealed that they had not been to the circus for over ten years, the80 percent he said he was in favor of the idea of ​​attending animal-free shows.

Basta animali nei circhi
We have the opportunity to end the enslavement of two thousand living beings.And this doesn't mean giving up circus shows, but just making them better © Lav

“The traditional circus exhibits animals forced to perform unnatural performances.What is natural about seeing an elephant standing on its hind or front legs, horses ridden by felines who can't stand noise and lions locked in tiny cages and trucks, when they should be free in the savannah?”, he comments Eleonora Panella, manager of exotic animals Lav.“All this still happens, despite the majority of Italians being in favor of a circus without animals.The time has come to say #BastAnimaliNeiCirci together with Lav to put an end to exhausting journeys, humiliating shows, torture, abuse and escapes due to desperation.The time to act is now."

What vets and psychologists think

Another model is, first of all, necessary.Forcing living beings, often belonging to wild species also at risk of extinction, to spend hours and hours in cage or moles container during travel, is not reconcilable with their natural needs and the possibility of expressing "normal behaviors":declared it Federation of European Veterinarians.

650 Italian psychologists they also signed a document in which they express their concerns regarding the consequences on children from a pedagogical, educational and psychological point of view regarding attendance at circuses with animals, which can be a vehicle for "an education in no respect for living beings, lead to the disavowal of messages of suffering and hinder the development of empathy, as they solicit a incongruous answer, amused and cheerful, to punishment, hardship and injustice”.

The positive example of the Medrano circus

Another model is possible.The Medrano circus, born from an idea of ​​the Casartelli family, has decided to celebrate its parents 160 years of history with a completely renewed show, without the presence of animals, replaced by authentic circus talents:from the acrobats Flying Martini to the comedians Roni and Stiv Bello, up to the motorcyclists of the Troupe Diorios.“Happiness, carefree, excellence and innovation”:these are the words used to describe the extraordinary event that took place in Milan from 23 December to 7 January.

Circo Medrano
The Medrano circus is a virtuous example © Lav

National Work Days

Those just listed are also the expressions that really can - indeed, must - characterize all circus shows and replace terms such as those used by psychologists:“pain, inconvenience, injustice”.We are the ones who can change the vocabulary, who can change history for the better, giving the circus a new life that leads him to be immortal, rather than immoral.Let's think of the lion Madiba, the llama Peru, the dromedary Asia, the zebra Arturo and the horse Karim who, after a life behind bars, now live happily in the recovery center Animanatura wild sanctuary Of Sempronian.

campagna Lav Basta animali nei circhi
The lion Madiba finally enjoys the sunlight in Semproniano © Lav

We can also participate in national work days Of Saturday 16 And Sunday 17 March, to get more information on the campaign and support it on social media with the hashtag #BastAnimalsNeiCirci.Because the show must go on, but it can change (for the better).So that we can give ourselves even more magic, emotions and laughter.

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