As your cat ages, it is important to monitor its cognitive functions


The cat must be intelligently accompanied towards the end of its life.But it doesn't take much to make his old age easier and more acceptable.

  • The elderly cat needs targeted care especially regarding the cognitive sphere.
  • Specific attention to his behavior can be decisive for a peaceful old age.
  • From this perspective, play and daily stimuli become fundamental.

The cat “becomes elderly” later than the dog, even if the third age it can vary depending on the living conditions of the subject, its size or even its possible breed.Old age is not a disease, but to help your house cat experience this delicate period there are some things to take into account.And which will be able to help him face these years in full well-being both from a physical and cognitive point of view.With the help of Dr. Sabrina Giussani, veterinary doctor and animal behavior expert, let's get to know the main aspects of the life of the elderly feline.

The cat in old age can suffer from both physical and mental illnesses ©Pixabay

The elderly cat and the cognitive sphere

Given that old age can reach a different age for each cat, depending on the size, breed and also the predisposition of the individual animal, there are some minor signs that indicate overall healthy and physiologically acceptable aging. The first is undoubtedly the slowing of cognitive functions just like it happens to people, and which leads the house cat to be a little less reactive to stimuli and less attracted to what previously interested him greatly, such as moving insects and butterflies, for example.

From a physical point of view, therefore, it is completely normal that the hours of sleep increase and that jumping and playing are no longer what they used to be.This is all part of the normal changes of old age and should not be a cause for concern for the human companion.

The situation is very different if the symptoms of aging reveal themselves a cognitive/emotional alteration and a psycho-physical decay. All phenomena that involve the loss of interests and cognitive function.It is necessary to pay attention, for example, to some alarm bells.If we see that our cat wanders around the house aimlessly, if it does not greet those who enter, if it moves little and if it does not show interest in food or new things in the house or, if in general, emotions seem not to be present, then certainly there 'It's something that's wrong with normal aging.However, some very common pathologies in older cats, such as osteoarthritis, hyperthyroidism, renal failure And heart problems, as well as the functional deficit of the sensory organs, they can confuse the picture, making it difficult to understand whether the feline is in pain or suffering from a behavioral pathology.It is important to always seek the help of your veterinarian or an expert in animal behavior to get an exact picture of the situation.

Old age in cats begins differently © Pixabay

How to help your elderly cat

How can we help our kitten cope better with old age?We must remember that in a cat's life there are several elements that can affect the type of aging and the speed with which it progresses.From a behavioral point of view, emotional factors such as anxiety e prolonged stress they trigger responses in the body that require the brain to work intensely, thus accelerating the process of senility.Since all the behavioral pathologies untreated they carry this risk, it is important to monitor and treat them during the life of our friend with specialist veterinary visits and with the use of pheromones, natural and non-pharmacological substances that send cats a message of natural tranquility, helping them to better deal with stressful or agitated situations.They are substances that can also be excellent allies to make him feel at ease in the event that changes arise that the feline struggles to accept in this new phase of life:leaving for holidays, the change of season and all the possible alterations to his routine.

The older cat sleeps more and plays less © Pixabay

A little daily practice

In everyday life there are, however, small and large measures to facilitate the old age of our cat.There are, for example, special orthopedic berths including water fountains ideal for cats suffering from joint problems, up to ladders that help them get on and off their favorite places without getting too tired.What can really improve the behavior of the elderly cat, however, are the games dedicated to stimulating social interaction and sharpening the senses.To keep the sensory organs active it is possible, in fact, to train the sense of smell with organic essential oils and pure extracts, or from a nutritional point of view satisfy the cat's palate by suggesting, under the advice of the vet, a different brand of food.

gatto in trasportino
Older cats often show unfounded fears or idiosyncrasies © Ingimage

To improve the perception of the body in space, however, it is useful to make the cat walk on different materials, placing towels and mats on the floor, so that the different types of fabric stimulate the receptors of the paws and the cat perceives the difference in substrate.Furthermore, to make him play to the extent best suited to his possibilities, a real one can be built sensory box.How to do it?All you need to do is drill a few holes of a few centimeters in diameter in a shoebox inside which you have placed objects that make noise, such as nuts and balls of different materials.It is necessary for the cat to participate in the construction of the sensory box because this is the fundamental part of the game.The cat will have to stick its paw into the box to retrieve the objects that make noise and move and, in this way, it will take advantage of its hunter nature.

Another game idea to keep the feline always active is to make two holes in a large closed box, the so-called castle,  while the cat watches curiously (this is the fundamental part of the game).The two holes constitute the entrance and exit of what in the cat's eyes will be a large castle to explore.In short, all it takes is a little inventiveness and there will be no shortage of specific stimulation for our elderly kitty.And who knows, they might also be good for us to put a stop, at least for a few hours a day, to the stresses of life and daily worries.

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