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Look Amazing, the 8-year-old English thoroughbred who fell while, ridden by Faenza rider Nicholas Lionetti, was tackling the last curve, known as "del Cassero", on the occasion of the August edition of the Quintana of Ascoli Piceno, raced on Last August 6th.The two fell to the ground on the track of the Squarcia playground where the chivalric tournament won by Lorenzo Melosso from Ascoli was played for the Porta Romana district.The doctors at the Teramo veterinary clinic did everything possible to save her life.But the fracture to the right front at Look Amazing turned out to be unrecoverable.Therefore, in agreement with the owner Massimiliano Ferri, the Isola Azzura stable of Foligno and the veterinary commission of the Ascoli carousel, it was decided to proceed for humanitarian reasons.Subjected to tests at the Mazzoni hospital in Ascoli, Lionetti was instead diagnosed with a compound fracture of the right shoulder blade.
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