
The collection of signatures, promoted by the Respect for All Animals association, for five referendums on the protection of fauna and the environment in the Italian regions.Specifically, the questions at the center of the campaign propose the abolition of hunting, the possibility of hunters entering private funds, intensive farming and animal testing, as well as the use of animals in historical events, in circuses and inside the zoos.The proposals, which they have already collected thousands of subscriptions, can be signed through the SPID - or, alternatively, ADN, CIE and CNS - on the new State platform for popular initiatives (to this end link). With the first two questions, the association Respect for all animals he asks Of "make the cruel and polluting practice of hunting illegal, now obsolete, no longer significant for the existence of the human being" and of "to forbid entry into private funds by hunters", which is currently foreseen by law "even without...

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The crew of the sailing ship Jean Gab, of the Oceanomare Delphis Onlus association, filmed the group of dolphins

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Off the coast of Ravenna, on 16 July, 29.9 degrees were reached, while just outside Dubrovnik 29.7

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Rising temperatures and fertilizer spills favor the growth of algae, which in turn becomes food for bacteria, suffocating fish

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Seven wild horses have been reintroduced to the steppe of Kazakhstan, where they had been missing for at least two centuries.The specimens are Przewalski's horses, also called Mongolian wild horses or takhi.Four of them come from the Berlin Zoo, while three others from the Prague Zoo.According to the director of the zoo of the latter city, the reintroduction in question represents a "event of historical importance".Once they arrive at their destination, the equines will be kept for a year in an area where they can get used to coexistence with each other and to the new climatic and environmental conditions, all under the strict supervision of a group of experts.Subsequently, they will be released into the wild, where they will make a positive contribution in ecological terms, both for the fauna and flora of the steppe. Przewalski horses (in Kazakh known as Kertagy or Kerkulan) I am the last species of genetically wild horse left in the world.The species completely stopped exis...

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This was demonstrated by a study by the State University of Milan in collaboration with the University of Lausanne

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In her first documentary the journalist shows the contradictions of the Common Agricultural Policy which finances intensive farming in Europe

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