The government's new climate envoy:«Climate, the world is not about to end.And on nuclear power..."


Francesco Corvaro introduces himself:no technology is zero impact

The new climate envoy of the Farnesina and the Ministry of the Environment Francesco Corvaro he is associate professor of industrial physics at the Polytechnic University of Marche.Appointed in place of Alessandro Modiano, today he appears in a series of interviews with newspapers.Including that a The Truth.Where he says that the end of the world is not coming regarding the climate and that electric is not the only path.While green homes will require subsidies.Among the energy sources he proposes nuclear.«It seems to me that it is now well established that the current situation partly depends on human activities.After that I don't think we should be catastrophists.We need to intervene immediately, of course, but without catastrophism.We have all the technologies to reduce the impact of man on nature, not only with regards to emissions", begins Corvaro in his conversation with Francesco Borgonovo.


Corvaro immediately rejects the label of denier:«Scientifically speaking it seems undeniable to me that man has an impact on nature.Big or small, it makes no big difference to me.Then we can discuss the numbers as much as we want, but it seems clear to me that human action can create imbalances.In any case, nature finds a point of balance on its own, I worry about finding what is good for man."But we feel like making a prediction:«The world will not end, at least for the reasons we have discussed so far, then if by chance someone has a direct line to the eternal father... I don't have it».And he maintains that one part should not be destroyed to save another:«I say it frankly:I have an electric car, because I wanted to make this choice.But we have to be realistic.Electric is one of the roads, and we must realize that on this side we - I mean we Italians - suffer a lot.We have production difficulties but above all distribution difficulties.This is why if we push too hard on the transition we really risk leaving people behind.We have to push the right, but also realize where we are.Today, for example, if everyone who lives in my building asked for 6 kilowatts, the supplier wouldn't know how to satisfy them and... best regards.Things work when there is adequate technology, when this is there the transition happens on its own.Think of the iPhone."

Green houses

On green houses it is clear:«I arrived after the fact, what I think is that sometimes the government is accused of denialism because they don't want to understand that measures like these can create big problems.Italy has a historic building heritage to manage, we are an exception in Europe, we cannot think of making changes with a magic wand.For homes, we will really need to think about strong support measures for those who cannot adapt, which is why we should think carefully about this type of regulation, because the risk of harming the population certainly exists.A bit like what happens with cars.Having only electric cars in 2035 is a beautiful dream, but first there are many problems to solve."

The atom

Finally, nuclear power.«I want to start by saying that I speak as a technician, not as a politician.So here too I take note of the current situation.I am in favor of all renewables, of all types", he explains.Then he gets to the point:«But we know that what grids need is stability, and that at present stability can be provided with coal, methane or nuclear».So?«So I think we should at least sit at the tables where the new mini reactors are discussed.No technology is zero impact, and if we want to maintain the stability of the network we must necessarily rely on a mix of sources.Renewables are fine, of course, but they are not enough.And at present the technologies available are those I told you.Nuclear included."

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