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«No wind turbines and no photovoltaic in Pietrelcina, in Puglia, in Campania, and in all the places that are sacred because those lands are creations of God."The words are pronounced by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture Vittorio Sgarbi, which is even inconvenient to attribute to them Padre Pio, "a universal and powerful saint" who "said something that ministers and mayors are not capable of saying".It is unlikely that the saint from Pietrelcina really said something like this, but Sgarbi is convinced that the news he speaks of is "a miracle".What news?The exit of Legambiente report which informs how they exist in Italy 1,364 renewable energy plants stuck in the bureaucratic machine. The document paints a terrible picture for our country, pointing out that in 2022, it obtained authorization to be installed as soon as1% of the photovoltaic systems that requested it.On-shore wind does even worse, with the 0%.All because of bottlenecks restricted by authorization processes, bureaucratic delays and by Superintendencies of cultural heritage.
The wind project in Pietrelcina
Specifically, Sgarbi refers to the Andromeda project, which should be brought to the municipality 9 wind turbines a couple of hundred meters high, for a total power of 60MW, which has reached the environmental impact assessment and which should be completed by April.Although the detractors speak of "wind turbines in front of Padre Pio's house", these would arise three kilometers as the crow flies from the site which by the Church's own admissionarchbishop of Benevento Felice Accrocca «è lacking infrastructure due to past mistakes» despite being 4.5 kilometers from a highway junction the size of half the historic center.
But Sgarbi's mission is clear:«Defend God's creation».The Undersecretary wonders why wind turbines are not built in Piedmont, taken as an example of Northern Italy, but only in certain regions of the South.The reason – he continues referring to the mafia – is that "it's easy to corrupt there".Some interceptions by Matteo Messina Denaro reveal an involvement of Cosa Nostra in the sector.What Sgarbi keeps quiet is that wind turbines need air currents to work, which in the North are often interrupted by the Alps.Contrary to what happens, for example, in the province of Benevento.