Dry rivers and retreating lakes:the winter without rain in the Centre-North triggers the smog alarm in the city and for crops in the countryside



Banks reduced to sandy beaches, dried-up rivers, dried-up canals:Coldiretti and Legambiente launch the alert for the consequences of the drought

Worse than last year.The lack of rain is also worrying this year and causing triggers the alarm smog in the cities of Po Valley, where attempts are made to intervene with the limits imposed on traffic, and in the countryside, where the preparation of the land for sowing is at risk.Drinking water begins to run out, with the first tankers being sent to some municipalities in the area Piedmont.The alarm is raised Coldiretti which underlines how on the eve of the 2023 sowing the Po river is dry as if it were August 15th and the Becca Bridge (Pavia) is -3.3 meters compared to the hydrometric zero, with the banks practically reduced to sandy beaches.Evident signs of suffering for our waters that seem destined to last for days.The plastic image of climate change is also seen in Venice, which today reached the low tide peak, with the water level at -65 centimeters.A phenomenon considered normal for the period because most of the low tides are concentrated in the first two months of the year, but what is alarming is that such a prolonged low period has not been recorded for at least ten years.The problem should be resolved in a few days, but the difficulties for residents forced to move with boats and water walkers on increasingly shallow seabed are tangible.

The (dramatic) situation of the lakes

The conditions of the longest river in Italy are also representative of the difficulties of the other courses and water reserves in the north.Just think that large lakes reach filling percentages ranging from 39% In the Garda and in Greater to just the 21% in that of How.The latter level is around 6 centimeters below hydrometric zero.A drought warning that farmers are viewing with great concern.«If things do not change in the coming months, the situation risks being worse than last year when there was a loss of at least 6 billion euros in the crops", warns Coldiretti.

Rice, cereals, cheeses:a third of Made in Italy at risk

From the durum wheat al rice, come on cereals to the great cheeses, a third of this made in Italy is produced in the central-north of our country.The provinces of Pavia And Vercelli they have the national record for rice production.But this year, in Italy they will be cultivated - according to Coldiretti's forecasts - almost 8 thousand hectares of rice in less.We are therefore talking about a total of just 211 thousand hectares for the cultivation of the same:a figure at historic lows for 30 years.Hence the appeal of the president of the association, Ettore Prandini, which reiterates the need to implement a «reservoir plan so as to increase the collection of rainwater which currently stands at just11%».Meanwhile, to deal with the Coldiretti emergency, Pavia has started a technical table with the top management of Anbi Lombardy and the East Ticino Villoresi Consortium.He also joins the chorus of alarm on the damage of climate change Legambiente:«Without precipitation there water crisis in 2023 it will be very tough.This new year began with the large pre-Alpine lakes half-empty, a terrible premise for the agricultural year to come."

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