
“The original proposal to halve pesticides in the European Union by the end of the decade has become a symbol of polarization.”The words of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, summarize the climate/food blackmail in which the European Union finds itself entangled and manifests, unconsciously, the surrender and all the ineptitude of a ruling class incapable of implementing a model of development and sustenance different from that on which the planet has been based so far. “No farm, no food”, “Our end will mean your hunger”, we read on the banners carried by breeders and farmers practically all over Europe.Not only in Germany, in France, in the Netherlands.The protests spread to Spain, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Poland and even Italy, with tractors wanting to go up to the Sanremo stage to take part, too, in the total social event that enchants our world every February. country and our discussions. For now, after the meeting with Minister Lollobrigida a...

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The movement of tractors has put EU measures to protect the environment in the crosshairs.But there is another, equally large group of farmers who defend green policies and ask to put a stop to "industrial" agriculture.Here are their stories

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The decree approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers, contested by renewable energy companies, allows the presence of plants on agricultural land but only if they are raised from the ground

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The farmers' demonstrations have already convinced Ursula von der Leyen to give up some pillars of the European "green strategy".And now others risk being set aside

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For weeks, farmers have been on a war footing against EU environmental policy which calls on the sector to halve the use of pesticides by 2030

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The new objective announced by EU Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra discounts the effect of the farmers' revolt.“Emissions cannot be reduced with a magic wand,” comments Greenpeace

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The environmental constraints introduced with the 2021 reform are among the reasons that sparked farmers' protests

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