Giovanni Ferigo, Inwit.Sustainability and social inclusion also pass through digitalisation


The right to connection has become, to all intents and purposes, a theme of sustainability and of social inclusion.Between smart working and distance learning, the pandemic emergency ended up accelerating some processes that had already been underway for years;but, at the same time, it highlighted the need to bridge the gap between the different areas of our peninsula.“The digitalisation of the country – he explains Giovanni Ferigo, Chief Executive Officer of Inwit – can break down those barriers that are still present both in large cities and in more peripheral areas”.

Smart working, digital divide
Smart working has highlighted how fundamental it is to bridge the digital divide that still exists in our country © Yasmina H/Unsplash

The importance of the UN Agenda 2030

Inwit is one of the most important players operating in the infrastructure for electronic telecommunications.A reality that has decided to leave its mark strategy in the wake ofAgenda 2030 of the UN for sustainable development.Two, in particular, are the targets of fundamental importance for the company:The goals 9, which aims to build a resilient infrastructure and promote innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialisation, and the goals 11 focused on inclusive, safe, durable and sustainable cities.

obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile
The Sustainable Development Goals © United Nations Regional Information Centre

But not only that.“One of the objectives that is stimulating us the most – continues Ferigo – is to bring forward the achievement of the carbon neutrality.While starting this year we intend to consume 100 percent green energy."Ambitious objectives to be fully in line with the dictates of Cop26 in Glasgow, at the end of which the signatory countries of theParis Agreement they are committed to keeping the global warming within 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels.

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