The government is trying to block the Sardinian moratorium against wind speculation


The Italian government has decided to appeal to the Constitutional Court against the moratorium approved at the beginning of July by the Sardinia Region in which an 18-month suspension was foreseen for new projects linked to the production and storage of renewable energy.According to the government, this regional legislation in fact exceeds the competences attributed to Sardinia by the Statute, coming into conflict with national and European laws and violating articles of the Constitutional Charter.The governor of Sardinia Alessandra Todde immediately attacked the Meloni executive, later accused of "demagoguery" by the Brothers of Italy.The Sardinian parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement have expressed their support in a note thrown the gauntlet at the government on the issue.

The hypothesis that an appeal against Sardinian law no.5 of 3 July 2024, entitled "Urgent measures for the protection of the landscape and landscape and environmental assets", had already been ventilated in recent weeks by the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.In the first days of July, his ministry had approved the provision Suitable areas for renewables, an act against which, according to the executive, the Sardinia Region's moratorium would have gone.The Council of Ministers, in an all-out attack, asked the Constitutional Court to immediately suspend article 3 of the law, which represents the central nucleus of the legislation, as a precaution.Over the course of its history, however, the Consulta has allowed the immediate suspension of a regional law only on one occasion.In any case, the main intention of the Sardinian government from the beginning was to temporarily suspend the projects, waiting for the definition of the suitable areas, which, according to the plans of the regional majority, should be outlined shortly.It is expected that this map will be ready before the proceedings before the Constitutional Court are concluded, which would make the contested legislation superfluous.«In recent weeks some have judged our law to be weak, which did not block anything, useless, a gift to speculators, which the government did not even take into consideration;plot twist:we were right – ha written governor Alessandra Todde on her channels -.In fact, on the contrary, the law has proven to be effective and impactful, forcing the Government to challenge it, requesting its immediate suspension given the many complaints received."Todde then added:«The work of the council does not stop.The map of suitable areas must be delivered within 180 days starting from 3 July and we are already working on its drafting".The president of the Sardinia Region was supported by the Sardinian parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement, who have spoke of one appeal "in defiance of every rule", adding:«The Government must resign itself, we are taking all the necessary steps to reach a conclusion that respects the environment, the economy and the health of citizens».

The Sardinian population has long denounced how speculation is hidden in the folds of the energy transition that is plundering a territory already tormented by the presence - also imposed - of military bases and shooting ranges.They have in fact been presented on the island 809 requests for connection of renewable energy production plants to the national electricity grid which, if approved, would produce 57.67 Gigawatts of power.At the end of April it emerged that the largest photovoltaic panel factory in the People's Republic of China, Chint, had collapsed hoarded by the Spanish company Enersid the most important solar project ever conceived at a European level, stretching its tentacles upwards thousand hectares of land in northern Sardinia.Even following the moratorium approved by the Region, the Sardinian people continued to fight, not considering the provision sufficient to protect the territory.While in the port of Oristano, where the permanent garrison against the transit of special vehicles transporting wind turbines was established, tensions with the police were recorded in mid-July.From the Oristano police station, in the following weeks, they are matches investigation notifications towards some protagonists of the principals.

[by Stefano Baudino]

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