
At the beginning of July the Sardinian regional council has approved a moratorium that blocks the authorization of new plants for the extraction of renewable energy.A decision, although judged timid and not very decisive in the terms in which it was adopted, which represents the first victory of a vast movement born and grown in recent months which defines itself as "against energy speculation" and against "the assault of multinationals" to the Sardinian territory.A movement that is not satisfied and demands that the already approved projects, which are filling Sardinia with wind and solar plants that will serve not to generate energy for the territory, but to make the region a center for energy exports, also be stopped towards mainland Italy and abroad.Also taking part in the protest are over 60 companies and guides dealing with sustainable and naturalistic tourism, who have sent a letter to explain the reasons for their protest.We have decided to publish it in ful...

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The Italian government has decided to appeal to the Constitutional Court against the moratorium approved at the beginning of July by the Sardinia Region in which an 18-month suspension was foreseen for new projects linked to the production and storage of renewable energy.According to the government, this regional legislation in fact exceeds the competences attributed to Sardinia by the Statute, coming into conflict with national and European laws and violating articles of the Constitutional Charter.The governor of Sardinia Alessandra Todde immediately attacked the Meloni executive, later accused of "demagoguery" by the Brothers of Italy.The Sardinian parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement have expressed their support in a note thrown the gauntlet at the government on the issue. The hypothesis that an appeal against Sardinian law no.5 of 3 July 2024, entitled "Urgent measures for the protection of the landscape and landscape and environmental assets", had already be...

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In Sardinia, the collection of signatures has officially started to stop wind and photovoltaic park projects on the island in the absence of an adequate regional energy plan.It was launched by the "No Committee", which aims to obtain the vote soon 10 thousand signatures needed to bring citizens to a consultative referendum.The protagonists of the initiative are, specifically, the lawyer Michele Pala, responsible promoter, and the Arzachena doctor Pietro Satta, contact person for Gallura.«Do you want the Sardinian landscape, on land and sea, to be modified with the installation on the land and at sea of ​​industrial wind and/or photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity?» we read in question at the center of the signature collection, which the Committee aims to achieve submit to the vote of Sardinian citizens. “Meetings to promote the referendum and initiatives to collect signatures are underway throughout the island,” wrote...

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In the port of Oristano, where the permanent garrison against the transit of special vehicles transporting wind turbines was established in recent days, the first tensions with the police were recorded during the night.A group of people actually sat on the ground for prevent the transit of trucks which transport the components of the shovels to the areas of the island where they will then be installed, an initiative which led to the immediate intervention of the police, who immediately set up a cordon to protect the vehicles in riot gear.«The giant wind turbines are starting towards territories to be devastated despite the moratorium, all together we can stop them" was the appeal, in recent days, of the Group for the Protection of the Sardinian Territory (Gruttes), which started the initiative.In recent weeks, in fact, the Region had given the green light to one moratorium which blocks every new renewable energy project, wind and photovoltaic, in order to stop what has been...

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The Sardinia Region has approved an 18-month moratorium that blocks any new renewable energy, wind and photovoltaic projects, in order to stop what has been defined as an "assault by multinationals" on Sardinian soil.A defined rule «transitory and emergency» in order to allow planning the energy future of the region and the map of suitable areas.The Grig (Legal Intervention Group), an association that fights against wind power abuses in Sardinia, calculated that in September 2023 they were well 711 applications for concessions for new plants.An assault which in recent months has caused the birth of a large movement of citizens calling for a stop to speculation and the protection of the landscape.The centre-left majority voted in favor of the law, while the opposition abstained, judging the law «shy and insufficient, aimed exclusively at calming the minds of citizens and movements", as declared by the FdI group leader in the Regional Council, Paolo Truzz...

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Just a week away from latest protests, Sardinian citizens returned to the streets to reiterate their no to massive construction of wind farms on its territory.In fact, several events took place over the weekend in southern Sardinia, in particular near the Guspini, Sanluri and Quartu wind farms and in Oristano.As repeatedly specified by citizens at each location of the protests, these are not aimed at hindering the transition towards the use of more sustainable energy sources, but speculation that revolves around it, which is to the detriment of the Sardinian population and the environmental and landscape heritage of the island. «The energy transition it must serve, not enslave»:this is the motto with which the Su Entu Nostu Committee took part in the mobilizations against wind speculation, which took place throughout the weekend in Sardinia.«The energy transition must be ecological and just.We want to make our contribution to the defense of the planet but we want to d...

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Last Saturday, thousands of people poured into the streets of Saccargia, in the countryside of Codrongianus (Sassari), for a major mobilization against the speculative assault on renewable sources in Sardinia.The event, entitled "E-Vento di Saccargia", saw the presence of information gazebos of the committees and speeches on stage by their spokesmen and a series of experts, as well as musical moments from artists who wanted to give their contribution to the cause.The event follows a few days after the meeting held by the members of the coordination with the new president of the Region Alessandra Todde, following the approval of the Council's bill which blocked the installation of renewable plants for 18 months.According to the committees, even following the discussion, which took place in a serene atmosphere of dialogue, numerous «dark spots», in particular on the minimum ceiling of 6.2 GW of renewables assigned to Sardinia in the agreement with the Ministry and o...

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