Apostolic Case:the government has not yet been able to answer who took the judge back Update October 13, 2023: In recent days, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the undersecretary Nicola Molteni responded to questions on the Apostolic case in the Constitutional Affairs Commission.As reported from various newspapers, in both circumstances the doubts about the origin of the video released last week, in particular by Matteo Salvini and the League, and filmed in 2018 during a demonstration to ask for the disembarkation of the migrants stranded on the Diciotti ship were not resolved. As reports Republic, Piantedosi confirmed what was said by the Catania Police Headquarters:"in none of the documents drawn up at the time by the personnel employed in the public order services and following the events that occurred during the demonstration, is Dr. Apostolico mentioned".Piantedosi also specified that the police do not use facial recognition software for the images collect...