The campaign to delegitimize the Apostolic Judge and the questions Salvini must answer


Apostolic Case:the government has not yet been able to answer who took the judge back

Update October 13, 2023: In recent days, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the undersecretary Nicola Molteni responded to questions on the Apostolic case in the Constitutional Affairs Commission.As reported from various newspapers, in both circumstances the doubts about the origin of the video released last week, in particular by Matteo Salvini and the League, and filmed in 2018 during a demonstration to ask for the disembarkation of the migrants stranded on the Diciotti ship were not resolved.

As reports Republic, Piantedosi confirmed what was said by the Catania Police Headquarters:"in none of the documents drawn up at the time by the personnel employed in the public order services and following the events that occurred during the demonstration, is Dr. Apostolico mentioned".Piantedosi also specified that the police do not use facial recognition software for the images collected, nor do they generally subject them to "computer processing for identification purposes".

In Wednesday's question time, Molteni confirmed what had previously emerged about the policeman who informed his superiors that he was responsible for the video.The policeman later recanted.However, according to what was revealed by the newspaper Domani, the policeman in question, after turning to a lawyer and the Italian Carabinieri military union, ruled out having communicated the authorship of the video to his superiors.This is what Giovanni Tizian and Nello Trocchia write:

The facts are these:G.B.he allegedly boasted to some of his colleagues that he was the author of the video and that he had sent it to some chats, but the custodians of this confidence decided to report it to the provincial command of the Carabinieri of Catania, who sent a note to the prosecutor's office .In practice was reported by the other carabinieri, including a superior, who considered that confession not very joking and very compromising.So to protect themselves they activated the highest in rank.Only following the report, and without hearing G.B.'s version, did the command write everything down in a report now on the PM's desk.

Finally, Thursday Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio he denied having ordered an inspection in Catania.Meanwhile, the Apostolic Judge has ordered the release of four other migrants, as well as judge Filippo Palumbo of the Potenza court, who did not validate the detention ordered by the police commissioner of Forlì.

On the so-called “Cutro” Decree, a provision converted into law last September, in addition to the court of Catania, with the decision of judge Iolanda Apostolico which is being discussed, they ruled that of Florence and that of Bologna.Always the court of Catania, at the hands of another judge, rejected the detentions ordered by the Ragusa police commissioner.

Among the various points of the decree, all serious people who have been dealing with immigration for years had widely said that the 5,000 euro deposit imposed on asylum seekers was a legal disgrace.It is no coincidence that harsh and clear judgments were made:the secretary of +Europa Riccardo Magi, for example, spoke of “State smuggling”.That Meloni was "shocked" by Catania's decision, therefore, is only credible as a quote of the series Boris

In recent years, there have been various pronouncements on administrative detention and in general on the conditions to which migrants and asylum seekers are subjected in detention centers for repatriation. Court of Cassation:the last one concerns the CIE of Bari Palese.In January 2021, the Rome court, however, ruled that the rejections ("the readmission procedure") carried out by Italy to Slovenia violated the Geneva Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights

To the pronouncements of the Italian courts must be added the condemnations of the European Court of Human Rights, which condemned us way back in 2012 for rejections at sea.Last August Italy was ordered to pay compensation an unaccompanied foreign minor due to reception conditions.This type of sentence usually punishes Italy for the degrading conditions to which they are subjected migrants and asylum seekers.It is the entire reception system and the security logic that clash against the civilizational achievements sanctioned by the Constitution, treaties and international conventions.

The first lesson we should draw, from Strasbourg to Catania, is that legal civilization is far ahead of our political class, which instead seeks to take us back to before fundamental conquests.But international conventions and treaties protect everyone, even those people who in recent years have bought the propaganda about "invasions", the bullshit about 35 euros, the minute controversies about cell phones, the widely debunked theories about "pull factor”. 

We have cited this list, incomplete but significant, because the attacks of recent days on Judge Iolanda Apostolico serve first of all to shift the debate from an essential legal framework, which nails Italy to its cruelty in managing migratory phenomena.And if we want to find a main difference between this right and the other governments that have followed one another in the last decade, it is only in the fact that the Minnites knew how to do their abject job, unfortunately.These, however, are not only abject but also scarce.

But since admitting certain errors would mean destroying otherwise unthinkable political careers, the radical right has given itself over to fiction immersive in real time.The landings called an "act of war", the finger pointed at Germany which finances the NGOs, the communist and troublesome judge side by side with the extremists.Put in a row they look like nonsense told by a tipsy guy at the bar counter;you almost want to offer him a drink to listen to what he invents as he becomes more and more drunk.Unfortunately, however, this bar counter is the political reality of the country.

Apostolico, we remember, is accused in practice of being a sort of extremist who would have issued a sentence tainted by prejudice.Matteo Salvini took charge of this battle, supported by the government majority.The evidence would be a video in which the judge was present at a sit-ins of protest in 2018.

They were the days of Diciotti, the coast guard ship which an absurd tug-of-war imposed by Rome prevented from disembarking together with the castaways it had saved.Those were days in which parts of the State (the then Minister of the Interior, Salvini himself), came into conflict with other parts for mere propaganda reasons.It should be remembered that, for the role played in the Diciotti case, Salvini it dodged thanks to the vote of the Senate the charge of aggravated kidnapping, obviously after having posed for a long time as Masaniello of the closed ports.The second lesson we can draw is that Matteo Salvini's political agenda can be summed up in one word:exist.

Looking at the pure mechanics of the images in that video, the judge simply stands among the crowd and the demonstrators, she does not shout or protest, and even approaches the police to speak.But listening to the comments of the majority, however, it almost seems that the judge was wearing a balaclava, holding a Molotov cocktail and inciting rioters - who would then be citizens animated by a very basic level of decency, but we know that "citizens" is not expendable politically, “troublemakers” or “left-wing extremists” yes.In a another video, Apostolico claps his hands while some people shout “we are all anti-fascists”.It is not surprising that this is a problem for the League.

Precisely because Apostolico was recognizable and was facing the police, common sense should suggest that if there had been something inappropriate there would certainly have been some disciplinary action, a ministerial inspection, a statement from the then Minister of the Interior (i.e. Salvini himself).The uproar through social media and the press only serves to intimidate, to create a climate in which any judge called upon to rule on an appeal against a government measure will make double calculations about the risks he or she faces.

Therefore, leaving aside servants and cronies, only a journalism that has forgotten elementary rules of the functioning of the State can lend itself to such filth.Only journalism that headlines about videos that "pop up", because the videos that "pop up" are low-cost content that generates easy traffic and about which there is no need to ask too many questions.The video move then follows another tweet, in which the minister even gave a “like” to a 2018 status posted by her husband.Also here:Did Salvini's staff begin to delve into five years of Facebook posts by the judge and her family, or did someone have a folder on their PC with the screenshot saved since then?

While serious journalists, who fortunately still exist in Italy, immediately focused attention on the opacities behind the publication of that video.Also because whoever filmed it was certainly not a journalist and was behind the police cordon, therefore in a point not really accessible to anyone.

But the Catania police station stated that the first video circulated was not in their records.The latest version circulating is that of a policeman who shot the video without ever attaching it to any document.Five years later, therefore, would have shared the video in a small circle of people, and from there it would have “popped up” in the hands of Salvini and his staff.

In what capacity would a policeman have shot the video?In what capacity would he have kept it for five years, then decided to share it after the Catania sentence?Were there other carabinieri in the circle of people, or were there political representatives?Does all the material Salvini is using come from just one person?Even though the carabiniere's superiors informed the Catania judicial authority, the matter does not add up at all.Meanwhile, the prosecutor's office opened a file

On Twitter, journalist Sergio Scandura analyzed a second video published by LaPresse.The most probable version is that the images circulated to create the case were not filmed by a policeman passing by, but by the camera of an officer wearing a helmet.

At this point Salvini should report to Parliament and explain how he obtained that material.This should be the priority of any journalist who interviews Salvini, or members of the majority, or the Catania Police Headquarters itself.It remains to be seen whether the authorities keep material to be used, no one knows in what circumstances, and in what capacity, to be circulated through no particular channel.Is this how the state is served?

If these opacities are not clarified, there is much to worry about, also because some aspects are somewhat reminiscent of the Delmastro case.Even there, in fact, there were public officials who exchanged information in an unorthodox way, with the aim of attacking and discrediting other public officials, i.e. opposition parliamentarians.

At the basis of both cases there is a private and personalistic management of one's prerogatives, powers and functions, for purposes that concern particular interests.But in the Delmastro case they were documents passed in a "unofficial”.Here, however, we have videos that officially do not exist, while unofficially they are preserved and passed on to the staff of ministers.We have unspecified actors who concoct or facilitate delegitimization campaigns.

The third and final lesson we can draw is that we must not delude ourselves into distinctions, looking for signs of sand in which to hide our heads.Let's not indulge in the illusion that Salvini is more radical than Meloni, creating a game of roles in which Meloni is the more institutional and reliable one.Of course, Salvini needs to distance himself for reasons of consensus, and in terms of international credibility Meloni is in a better position.But telling yourself that in the end it could have been worse because Meloni is not Salvini, or even because he is not like Trump, is naive to say the least.From Trump's victory against Clinton to the Capitol Hill insurrection there is a 5 year difference:in 2016 there were those who, a few months before the vote, were talking about Donald “the dove” as opposed to Hilary “the hawk”.The sand, we were saying.

Therefore, calculate the measures taken by the Meloni government in its first scant year of life, from the debut on the so-called "decree rave”.Imagine going on like this for another four years, than this fiction immersive story based on conspiracies and enemies becomes the backbone of any debate, of any political reading.Don't you feel a deep sense of tiredness and anguish?

If, however, you are among those who are convinced that the government is doing well, and that the country is really divided into "patriots and not", that there is an ongoing invasion from which we must defend ourselves, do another calculation.Go find the number of people who have died in the Mediterranean from 2013, the year of the Lampedusa massacre, to today.Take that number, aware that the official numbers are a conservative estimate.Then take stock of how your life has changed in these ten years.How long do you have to wait now for a medical visit, when was the last time you saw an October as warm as June, how is work going, how is your bank account.How often are you angry because "nothing can be said anymore" or because "there is only one thought", how much part of your day is consumed by this anger.Well, do you think that if more people had drowned in the last 10 years things would have gone better for you?

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