Parlamento europeo

Disappointing result for the ecological parties, who lose 19 MEPs and will now do everything to try to enter the majority and save climate policies

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Trio of measures approved in the last session of the European Parliament before the electoral appointment

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Green light from the European Chamber on two measures that aim to guarantee the environmental sustainability of products.Here's what they predict

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Spanish MEP César Luena at Open:«Does the Italian government say that it harms farmers?I trust science more than the far right"

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The text on which the European institutions have found an agreement contains an exemption designed specifically for the Po Valley and loudly requested by the Meloni government

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The provision, loudly requested by the main associations and NGOs, increases the number of crimes against the environment.“With this agreement, the polluter pays,” commented MEP Manders, rapporteur of the new directive

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Today's vote in Strasbourg was considered a test of strength of the European green agenda ahead of the June elections

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