Sustainable Innovation
Cocoa fruit contains other valuable ingredients that have been underutilised until now, the researchers say. Scientists in Switzerland have invented a way to make chocolate healthier and more sustainable. No Oompa Loompas, chocolate rivers or magical gum were involved in the making of this new treat – simply a fresh look at the whole cocoa fruit. Typically, only cocoa beans and pulp are extracted for our chocolate bars. But researchers at the ETH Zurich federal technology institute have discovered that the cocoa pod husk can be used too, as a replacement for granulated sugar. Their new recipe involves taking what’s known as the endocarp, the inner layer of the fruit shell, and mixing it with some of the pulp surrounding the beans to make a sweet cocoa jelly. “This means that farmers can not only sell the beans, but also dry out the juice from the pulp and the endocarp, grind it into powder and sell that as well,” explain...