Allevamenti intensivi

The collection of signatures, promoted by the Respect for All Animals association, for five referendums on the protection of fauna and the environment in the Italian regions.Specifically, the questions at the center of the campaign propose the abolition of hunting, the possibility of hunters entering private funds, intensive farming and animal testing, as well as the use of animals in historical events, in circuses and inside the zoos.The proposals, which they have already collected thousands of subscriptions, can be signed through the SPID - or, alternatively, ADN, CIE and CNS - on the new State platform for popular initiatives (to this end link). With the first two questions, the association Respect for all animals he asks Of "make the cruel and polluting practice of hunting illegal, now obsolete, no longer significant for the existence of the human being" and of "to forbid entry into private funds by hunters", which is currently foreseen by law "even without...

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The factory farming industry, following the lessons of fossil fuel companies, has lobbied significantly for EU climate policies to be weakened.To date, already a third of European measures to reduce emissions has been compromised by the industry.To make it known, a relationship of the independent expert group InfluenceMap, which examined the lobbying campaigns conducted in the EU over the last three years by 10 companies and 5 trade associations relating to the meat and dairy industry.The focus was in particular on 6 key ecological policies, such as the industrial emissions directive or the Farm to Fork strategy.Companies involved in breeding and meat production - such as Arla, Danish Crown, Tonnies group, FrieslandCampina, Vion food group - have specifically promoted the most critical and influential positions.The report also suggested that some meat industry giants have used their trade associations to advance their interests, thus protecting themselves from unwanted controversy. Inf...

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New research has shed light on the role played by intensive farming in determining the terrible air quality in Lombardy.The study, published on Environmental Impact Assessment, specifies that cattle and pig breeding could increase even further 25% local air pollution.According to the results of the analysis, in particular, an increase of 1000 livestock units, corresponding respectively to 1% and 0.3% of the average population of cattle and pigs in a given area unit, causes a corresponding daily increase in concentrations of ammonia and PM10 fine particles.The increase resulted more marked in the case of cattle breeding, that is, +0.26 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) for ammonia and +0.29 μg/m3 for PM10, compared to +0.01 and +0.04 μg/m3 recorded for pigs .A particularly important fact, especially if looked at in the current context of policies to combat polluting emissions.For example, it is even more paradoxical that the European Union, under pressure from Italy and...

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The European Union Parliament has definitively approved the agreement reached with the Member States on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).The votes in favor were 393, 173 against and 49 abstentions.The IED Directive is an essential rule to prevent pollution at source from approximately 50,000 European industrial plants.However, the process was rather troubled:the law has in fact had to overcome various obstacles that have weakened it from time to time.Until the end, for example, the most conservative groups attempted to further loosen the constraints on intensive farming, but in the end the majority of MEPs adopted the agreement negotiated last November which, however, provides already important concessions to the most impactful livestock farms.At present, the law extends measures on industrial emissions to pig farms with more than 350 heads of livestock, while companies that raise them extensively or organically are excluded.For poultry, the directive applies to...

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90% of chicken breasts sold on Lidl supermarket shelves are affected by white striping, a disease indicative of poor animal welfare, which affects between 50 and 90% of chickens belonging to fast-growing breeds, widely used in intensive farming.This is what emerges from the latest report published byessereanimali - a foundation that has always been involved in the battle against the practice of intensive farming – which examined over 600 samples of chicken breast packages in dozens of Lidl stores in 11 cities across the country, from North to South.Although all the containers analyzed had indications on the label such as "certified product", "controlled supply chain", "use of natural light", "environmental enrichments to encourage natural behaviours", the results revealed how 9 out of 10 products present the white streaks typical of white striping, which run parallel to the muscle fibers of the meat, with important consequences on its nutri...

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In the end it is decided, the EU has officially spared intensive farming more stringent measures regarding cutting polluting emissions.In particular, from the revision of directive on industrial emissions, cattle farms have been kept out, while some thresholds have changed for pig and poultry farms.The decision will be valid at least until 2026, the year in which the Commission will have to evaluate whether or not to review the decision.Despite numerous criticisms from the environmentalist world, the provisional political agreement was reached last Tuesday by the European Parliament and Council. Overall, the new rules should ensure better prevention and control of resulting pollution from emissions from large agro-industrial plants, as well as the reduction of waste production and the optimization of the use of raw materials and energy.In this regard, although the impact of cattle farming is now widely known, the choice still fell on confirming the position already expressed by the Eur...

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