Acqua contaminata

On Wednesday 13 March, the European Commission launched a new procedure towards Italy, through which, by highlighting the failure to comply with the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union issued in 2020, it will be able to decide to refer Rome to the Court, with the request to impose financial sanctions.The infringement procedure comes for failure to comply with the obligations on air quality and gives to Italy two months' time to respond and fill the gaps that have been identified.The proceedings initiated yesterday are added to the referral of the last June relating to non-compliance with the directive on waste water, launched by the Commission because, despite the progress made, it believed that the efforts carried out by the Italian authorities were still "insufficient" to deal with the problem of water pollution. The proceedings against Italy were notified with the monthly infringement package for the month of March.It was launched under Article 260 of the...

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