
Investigations for pollution, trials for environmental disasters, analyzes that detected Pfas in the blood of the citizens of Alessandria and even the production stop imposed in June were not enough:after less than a month and a half, the chemical center Syensqo (formerly Solvay) received authorization from the Province to resume the production and use of Pfas cC604, a substance classified as toxic to humans.The news was given by the Environment councilor of the municipality of Alessandria Giorgio Laguzzi - who explained that the decision would have been taken on the basis of data presented by the company and by Arpa analyzes - and the former councilor Claudio Lombardi, who however, he denounced that everything would have happened based on «checks and activities carried out by an expert appointed by Solvay». The reaction from environmental associations and the Stop Solvay committee was immediate, who sent a letter of concern to the Piedmont Region asking for immediate actio...

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The trial has officially begun before the Gup of the Court of Alessandria which sees the chemical giant Solvay in the dock for culpable environmental disaster.In fact, the industrial site of the company which produces, among other things, the toxic and persistent PFAS substances is located in the Piedmontese city.Last May 6, at the preliminary hearing, over 250 civil parties appeared before the judge, including environmental associations and institutions.There is talk of a very broad investigation, which specifically targeted two former Solvay managers, Stefano Bigini, plant director from 2008 until December 2018, and Andrea Diotto, director of the fluid and fluid production unit from 1 January 2013. from 1 September 2018 plant manager.The defense will file their briefs by 6 July, while an initial calendar of the hearings which will take place in the autumn has already been drawn up.Below the production center, the aquifer is the most contaminated in Europe by PFAS and recently the fir...

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The association obtained and analyzed data from some regional public bodies:"The problem is bigger than we thought"

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