
Banks reduced to sandy beaches, dried-up rivers, dried-up canals:Coldiretti and Legambiente launch the alert for the consequences of the drought

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Mild temperatures and low rainfall have reduced the Po level by 61%

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The weekly round-up on the climate crisis and data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. More and more often, after news of fires, hurricanes, heat waves, floods, storms, droughts, we hear that we need to start getting used to what could soon be "the new normal".If we do nothing, what seems like an exception today will become the norm.Yet talking about a "new normality" suggests that what we are witnessing is an irreversible, slow, linear and, in some ways, natural and foreign to us process.But that's not the case. “This is not the new 'normal' and the climate is not just changing, it is destabilizing,” writes Greta Thunberg in her latest book “The Climate Book” (out November 1st) and of which the Guardian he published some extracts.“Until now, Earth's natural systems have acted as a shock absorber, dampening the dramatic transformations underway.But the planetary resilience that has been so vital to us will not las...

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