negazionismo climatico
After theEtna eruption, which occurred in recent days, an old hoax has started circulating again:Volcanoes emit more CO2 of human activities. Etna has just told the geniuses of the Last Generation who is in charge, says a profile on Twitter.Those who relaunch this hoax think, in this way, of giving a raspberry to the activists and of revealing to the world truths that we all had before our eyes, but which we did not see because we were blinded by propaganda gretina And green.Because the idea, of course, is always that everything that revolves around climate change originates from the heads of activists.Scientists didn't know that volcanoes emit CO2, nor that the Sun is larger than the Earth, as a collaborator of the newspaper informs us The Truth.Let's see how things are. In 2022, the energy sector, the one responsible for the majority of emissions, produced 36.8 billion tons of CO2.Volcanic activities generate every year 200-400 million tons of CO2.Two orders of magnitude difference,...
“A disaster announced, but we ignored the signs.” Meteorologist Luca Mercalli doesn't mince words about the flood that hit Emilia-Romagna, causing 13 victims and leaving 20,000 people homeless:«Global warming must be stopped, we are all guilty.Nobody wants to make sacrifices except the kids who fight for the climate." 500 mm of rain in a few days, as much as falls in a year in Aosta.The rivers cannot absorb such a quantity of water, the soaked soil collapses, the entire system goes into crisis. Floods in Emilia Romagna:an announced disaster and because climate change is also involved In its annual report on global average temperatures, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said there is a good chance that in the next five years the Earth will experiment new temperature records and global warming will exceed 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, a threshold beyond which there could be far-reaching repercussions for health, food safety, water management an...