negazionismo climatico
The weekly round-up on the climate crisis and data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. A new relationship of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), “Turning off the Tap:How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy” (“Turn off the tap:how the world can end plastic pollution and create a sustainable circular economy”), outlined a roadmap to dramatically reduce plastic pollution. According to the report – which outlines the scale and nature of the changes needed to create a sustainable, human- and environmentally-friendly circular economy – plastic pollution could be reduced by 80% by 2040 if countries and companies used existing technologies to make significant policy and market changes. Plastic pollution could reduce by 80% by 2040 if governments and companies make policy and market shifts using existing technologies.OUT NOW – UNEP’s new report provides a pathway for nations to...
The era of global warming is over and "the era of global boiling has arrived", according to the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres.“Climate change is here.It's terrifying.And it's just the beginning," Guterres said.“It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C [compared to pre-industrial levels] and avoid the worst of climate change.But only with immediate climate action." Guterres' words came after climate scientists confirmed that the last three weeks have been the warmest since recorded and that July is on track to be the warmest month on record. The extreme meteorological phenomena that are affecting the entire Mediterranean, increasingly hotter, fires and what we are not doing to prevent them.If we needed further manifestations of the effects of the climate crisis, we are experiencing them first-hand. At all latitudes, from the far west to Japan.Yet, just a few days ago the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, he spoke of "difficult b...
“I love the mountains.And when you go to Adamello and Tonale and see the glaciers retreating year after year you stop to think, then you study history and you see that they are cycles.The ice doesn't retreat because Capezzone goes out of gas with his Golf turbo."Even the deputy prime minister and minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Matteo Salvini, did not want to miss out on his contribution to the positions bordering on climate denialism of part of the government majority."In winter it is cold, in summer it is hot...", he further said in Cervia, in Romagna, during the League's summer festival. Salvini's statements come after those of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni (who, referring to the extreme meteorological events in Sicily and Lombardy in recent weeks, spoke of "difficult bad weather" and "unpredictable climatic reality" and, during the closure of electoral campaign of the Spanish far-right party Vox, said that it was necessary to "stop the ultra-ecologic...
The weekly round-up on the climate crisis and data on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. In recent months the main Italian media have dedicated less space to the environmental issue, in the meantime the advertisements of polluting companies have doubled and the climate crisis is described as if it had no culprits, demonstrating the influence exercised by the fossil fuel industry on the world of information. This is what emerges from the new relationship that Greenpeace Italia commissioned from the Pavia Observatory, a research institute specialized in communication analysis.The study examined, in the period between September and December 2022, how the climate crisis was reported by the five most widely circulated national newspapers (Corriere della Sera, Republic, Il Sole 24 Ore, Future, The Press), from the evening news programs of Rai, Mediaset and La7 and from a sample of in-depth television programmes. The research completes the monitoring of media coverage of climate change...
Climate denialism is a phenomenon documented by dozens of books, studies and journalistic investigations.It is a real, historical and phenomenon organized.Whatever the reasons that push us to embrace it - personal beliefs, economic interest, political ideology or a combination of these elements - denialism is based on the production and diffusion of misinformation.This misinformation also manages to reach public opinion through the voices of those who we can define as "false experts", or "pseudo-experts". Fight against the climate crisis between youth activism, political-media denialism and the indifferent - Conversation with Antonio Scalari [podcast] We have also seen this in recent weeks:people appear in the media who talk about climate change with the hat of experts, even when they have no actual expertise on the subject.Recently he intervened on La7 Franco Prodi, an atmospheric physicist who has not worked on climate change during his career.These people give i...