
There's nothing as nice as a new leather bag or wallet.However, leather fresh from the factory is often stiff and not very soft:this can negatively affect your look and make wearing your new accessories less pleasant.Fortunately, it's easy to make overly stiff leather soft using a few simple aging techniques.You can obtain the desired aged effect in a second by rubbing it with a special softener, restoring the necessary humidity or manipulating it manually.

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If you want to prank a friend or maybe need a prop for a home movie, making a fake arm or leg cast is a fun way to create the illusion of a broken limb.Using simple materials you can make fake plaster in minutes!

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Transferring an image onto a glass object, such as a glass, jar, mirror or window, is a way to personalize and decorate your home environment.You can copy any illustration you get with a laser printer or that you find in books or magazines.To do this, attach some tape to the figure you want to transfer, then dip it in water, remove the paper and attach it to the glass object.Alternatively, you can use a photo transfer gel to move the image directly onto the glass surface.

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