abbattimento animali

With a resolution approved last August 8, the centre-right council of the Abruzzo Region, led by President Marco Marsilio, officially authorized the killing of almost 500 deer starting next October 14th.Among the reasons given for the green light for the measure, the fact that the specimens would be numerically excessive, would cause too much damage to agriculture and would constitute a risk for road safety.If the associations of breeders and farmers claimed victory, the animal rights organizations reacted harshly.In particular, the WWF harshly criticized the decision, defining it as harmful to biodiversity, and underlining that, instead of opting to cull the deer, the Region could have implement preventative solutions, such as the use of fences and deterrents, through the use of PNRR funds. The plan predicts, specifically, a "selective sampling" by authorized hunters in two areas of the Abruzzo area of ​​L'Aquila, called District 1 and District 2, with the aim of...

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