Electric cars, a decisive push from the leasing sector to their diffusion



The decarbonisation of leasing fleets would bring 20 million more used electric cars onto the market, with low prices and mileages.

Decarbonize fleets in leasing to give a decisive acceleration to the diffusion of electric cars.This is a sector that, by 2035, could help put our continent on the market almost 20 million more used vehicles "on tap", encouraging the transition of increasingly larger groups of citizens to less polluting vehicles.The estimates are derived since the last report of Transport & Environment (T&E), the European Federation for Transport and the Environment.

emissioni di co2
EU emissions standards are encouraging the development of electric cars © Sean Gallup/Getty Images

In Italy, 5.8 million more electric cars on the market

Ben four out of ten vehicles that enter the EU used market every year come from the leasing sector:we are talking about around 4.6 million cars, generally used for a period ranging from 36 to 48 months, therefore with limited mileage in most cases.With a faster one decarbonisation of the sector, the diffusion of electric cars could undergo a significant acceleration.If the seven main multinationals in the sector completely electrified their fleets by 2028 (and the remaining part of the leasing companies did the same by 2030) we would reach 2035 with an offer on the market of 51 million of used electric cars, 8 million of which are on sale for less than 10,000 euros.

In Italy there would be as many as 5.8 million used electric cars available on the market, 3.3 million more than in the base scenario.A rapid transition of the leasing sector would essentially give the possibility to millions of consumers and families to access finally clean mobility:cheaper electric vehicles, with the possibility of saving thousands of euros every year.

paline per auto elettriche
Electric car charging poles © Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

In Europe, eight out of ten citizens buy a used car

Just think that today approximately eight out of ten European citizens, when they have to buy a car, they buy a second-hand vehicle;a percentage, already high (62 percent) among the highest income groups, which rises significantly (90 percent) among people with medium-low incomes.Here's why, as he explains Elena Lake of Transport & Environment, the availability of electric cars on the used market "can be of great benefit to a wide range of consumers. And this is where the leasing company:because in addition to a significant reduction in emissions, their commitment to decarbonising their fleets also leads to greater access to clean mobility for citizens.Used electric cars are the cheapest option for families.They allow you to save on costs at the time of purchase and throughout the life of the car."

According to a study by the European Consumer Organisation Beuc, in fact, a second-hand battery electric vehicle has ownership costs much lower than a used petrol car.Italian families could save 6 thousand euros in seven years by switching to a used electric car rather than buying a second-hand petrol car.This is why the constant influx of electric cars on the used market is so important for a rapid transition of the sector towards cleaner engines.


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