parchi eolici

Not only in Sardinia, the great works of the so-called "green energy" have arrived throughout Italy, starting from the south and reaching the center.This is the case of Tuscany, where for a year now citizens, committees and environmental groups have been fighting to preserve the the Mugello area is already at risk.The project for the Tuscany Region is always the same:planting towers 170 meters high, «as high as two Giotto bell towers one on top of the other», in natural areas close to the mountain, close to protected reserves, with reinforced concrete bases the size of half a football field. Land consumption, serious impact on the environment, hydrogeological instability, these are some of the risks faced by Mugello, reported by a group of groups in one open letter against wind speculation.Among these, the Committee for the protection of the Mugello ridges, one of the associations active in defense of the territory, which explained to The Independent the situation...

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