
Not only in Sardinia, the great works of the so-called "green energy" have arrived throughout Italy, starting from the south and reaching the center.This is the case of Tuscany, where for a year now citizens, committees and environmental groups have been fighting to preserve the the Mugello area is already at risk.The project for the Tuscany Region is always the same:planting towers 170 meters high, «as high as two Giotto bell towers one on top of the other», in natural areas close to the mountain, close to protected reserves, with reinforced concrete bases the size of half a football field. Land consumption, serious impact on the environment, hydrogeological instability, these are some of the risks faced by Mugello, reported by a group of groups in one open letter against wind speculation.Among these, the Committee for the protection of the Mugello ridges, one of the associations active in defense of the territory, which explained to The Independent the situation...

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Planting olive trees against the indiscriminate and coercive expropriation of land.Return to the earth the plants eradicated by corporate interests.The roots as an emblem of the struggle.This is the meaning behind it popular uprising that arose spontaneously within a few hours in the countryside of Selargius, in Sardinia, immediately renamed "the revolt of the olive trees".Here, last Saturday, a citizen was the victim of a forced expropriation.He had refused to sell his lands to Terna, the company in charge of carrying out the work for the commissioning of the Tyrrhenian Link, the long cable that will connect Sardinia to the peninsula to transport the electricity produced by wind power to the island .In response, the company began to uproot the olive trees forcibly planted on the land.The reaction from the area was immediate:about a hundred people were on site to prevent the company from continuing.He was born like this a permanent garrison, which intends to resist against th...

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In the port of Oristano, where the permanent garrison against the transit of special vehicles transporting wind turbines was established in recent days, the first tensions with the police were recorded during the night.A group of people actually sat on the ground for prevent the transit of trucks which transport the components of the shovels to the areas of the island where they will then be installed, an initiative which led to the immediate intervention of the police, who immediately set up a cordon to protect the vehicles in riot gear.«The giant wind turbines are starting towards territories to be devastated despite the moratorium, all together we can stop them" was the appeal, in recent days, of the Group for the Protection of the Sardinian Territory (Gruttes), which started the initiative.In recent weeks, in fact, the Region had given the green light to one moratorium which blocks every new renewable energy project, wind and photovoltaic, in order to stop what has been...

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Just a week away from latest protests, Sardinian citizens returned to the streets to reiterate their no to massive construction of wind farms on its territory.In fact, several events took place over the weekend in southern Sardinia, in particular near the Guspini, Sanluri and Quartu wind farms and in Oristano.As repeatedly specified by citizens at each location of the protests, these are not aimed at hindering the transition towards the use of more sustainable energy sources, but speculation that revolves around it, which is to the detriment of the Sardinian population and the environmental and landscape heritage of the island. «The energy transition it must serve, not enslave»:this is the motto with which the Su Entu Nostu Committee took part in the mobilizations against wind speculation, which took place throughout the weekend in Sardinia.«The energy transition must be ecological and just.We want to make our contribution to the defense of the planet but we want to d...

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The G7 Environment, Energy and Climate meeting in Venaria Reale, on the outskirts of Turin, has officially concluded with the signature of the most industrialized countries in the world - and therefore furthest from achieving environmental objectives - of a final document in which, among the other things, the commitment to "phase out coal-fired power generation” by 2035.An intention which, especially in light of the less than commendable performances of recent years by the actors involved in the environmental issue, smells of farce, and which is formalized in the context of an event staged in a climate of strong repression, as usually happens when protests and protests take place.During the demonstrations, in fact, clashes took place on several occasions between the police and the demonstrators - repelled with water cannons, tear gas and truncheons - which caused several injuries. By examining the findings of the G7 in light of the current state of affairs, the issues c...

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