Franco Prodi
Springer Nature, one of the major scientific publishers, said he withdrew a peer-reviewed study by nuclear physicist, Gianluca Alimonti, agricultural meteorologist, Luigi Mariani, and physicists Franco Prodi and Renato Angelo Ricci, because it presented misleading conclusions on the impact of climate change.Prodi and Ricci are among the signatories of the World Climate Declaration, which states that "there is no climate emergency" and that "enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is advantageous".Franco Prodi is one of the so-called "false experts", or "pseudoexperts" - in the sense that despite being scientists (in Prodi's case, atmospheric physicists) in their career they have never dealt with climate change and cannot be considered experts of the matter - often interviewed in the general media giving the misleading impression that the scientific debate is still open. The study's lead author, Alimonti, he argued in 2014 that there is no consensus...
After the publication of our article on the essay signed by Italian physicists withdrawn by the scientific publishing house Springer Nature, one of our readers reported to us the reply of the first signatory of the study, the nuclear physicist Gianluca Alimonti.In response to Retraction Watch, Alimonti linked a post by Roger Pielke Jr which - explains our reader - "provides a view of the facts from the other side and questions the process that led to the withdrawal of the paper".The comment ends like this:“I mention it for completeness, not because I agree with it.” The scientific publishing house Springer Nature has withdrawn the study by four Italian physicists which denied the impacts of the climate crisis Precisely these last words give us the opportunity to state that the time has probably come to leave no room for arguments that stage a scientific debate on climate change that is actually over.In the case of climate change, "providing multiple...