
Even today, millions of ducks and geese are forced to be force-fed to produce foie gras.This is a ferocious and cruel practice, as the new images we have released reveal.

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The South Korean government promises to ban the consumption of dog meat, which is now disliked by the majority of the population.

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The Bremen health authority rejected the request for research on the brains of non-human primates, which could be a historic turning point.

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Here are some tips for ethically caring for your guinea pig, from adoption to veterinary care

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Darwin's finches are one of the endemic species of the Galapagos Islands.However, due to a fly, mistakenly introduced by man, they are at risk of extinction.

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The anti-aging pill for dogs could hit the market at the end of 2026.A hope for those who love their dog that becomes reality.

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The deer must face the problems that are the prerogative of wild animals in Italy.For its survival it is time to act.And quickly

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