
The organization of the Olympics has committed to guaranteeing sustainable meals, halving the CO2 footprint, but there is controversy over foie gras on the VIP menu.

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A delicious recipe to enjoy millet, a nutritious and sustainable cereal, in an easy-to-prepare flan.

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Scholars from the joint Fondazione Umberto Veronesi-Neuromed platform observed that a daily consumption of three tablespoons of olive oil is associated with a reduced risk of cancer mortality.

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A substantial dish that combines the goodness of aubergine with that of pecorino and salted ricotta.To be enjoyed both hot and at room temperature.

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This hummus prepared with carrots, curry and mint is a variation of the classic recipe with chickpeas, equally fresh and tasty!

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The bill to overcome the production system of intensive farming now awaits a date to be discussed.

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What you need to know about raw milk and the cheeses made from it.The opinion of the Slow Food expert.

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