Paris 2024 Olympics:there is an attempt to make the menu more vegetal, but the foie gras remains


The organization of the Olympics has committed to guaranteeing sustainable meals, halving the CO2 footprint, but there is controversy over foie gras on the VIP menu.

  • The Paris 2024 Olympics menu has been developed to include more plant-based, local and organic foods and reduce waste.
  • The aim is to halve the average climate footprint of meals compared to previous editions and as well as the use of single-use plastic.
  • However, the Animal Equality organization denounces the contradiction of the Olympic committee which has kept foie gras on VIP menus.

During the Olympics and Paralympics of Paris will be served more than 13 million meals and snacks in four weeks.Numbers that, for a global sporting event with 15 thousand athletes coming from 208 territories, 45 thousand volunteers, 26 thousand media operators and beyond 3 million tickets sold, is an opportunity to talk about climate and environmental challenges that the food consumption they face today.This is why the organizing committee launched the Food vision of the Games with the aim of guaranteeing responsible food for everyone.

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Paris 2024 president Tony Estanguet chooses his menu during an event of the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics © Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP via Getty Images

The Food vision of the Paris 2024 Olympics:more plant-based and organic food, less CO2 and plastic

The manifesto declines into six key commitments which will be taken for the preparation and distribution of meals:the first concerns that of double the plant foods on the plate; you bet then aim, as a second commitment, to have 100 percent certified food, with 80 percent of the products of French origin, 25 percent which arrives from a maximum of 250 kilometers away and 30 percent of Organic products.

The other commitments are halve the quantity Of disposable plastic in the consumption phase;limit it food waste and recycle 100 percent of uneaten food;guarantee a second life to 100 percent of used equipment and infrastructure;employ people from professional integration programs for at least 10 percent of the total restaurant workers.L'objective is to halve the average climate footprint of a meal (1 kilo of CO2 compared to 2 in previous editions of the Olympics).

Foie gras remains on the VIP menus:the Animal Equality protest

“More vegetal, more local, more sustainable:our ambition – he wrote in the manifesto Tony Estanguet, president of Paris 2024 – is to harness the creativity of French cuisine to drive the food transition.” But one thing is linked precisely to French cuisine and one of the typical products of French gastronomy contradiction emerged in recent days regarding Olympic food.

The organization for the defense of animal rights Animal Equality he discovered that in VIP menu of the Olympic Games will be offered Foie gras and threw a petition to eliminate this food from the event by bringing the 70 thousand signatures collected to the International Olympic Committee."THE Olympic Games start tonight:the opening ceremony marks the suffering of ducks and geese, but our fight for them does not stop!”, declared Animal Equality regarding the fact that the organizers have not taken action on the matter.

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