Millet flan with courgettes, turmeric and sesame.Recipe


A delicious recipe to enjoy millet, a nutritious and sustainable cereal, in an easy-to-prepare flan.

Enclosed by tender courgettes, the millet in this flan is flavored with turmeric and made crunchy by sesame seeds.

Scope Main door
Kitchen Italian
Portions 4
Total time 30 minutes



Begin preparing the flan by boiling the millet in plenty of lightly salted water.
La cottura del miglio © Beatrice Spagoni
Cooking millet © Beatrice Spagoni
In the meantime, clean and wash the courgettes, then slice them thinly with the mandolin.He also cleans the flowers, delicately eliminating the internal pistil.
La preparazione delle zucchine e dei loro fiori © Beatrice Spagoni
The preparation of courgettes and their flowers © Beatrice Spagoni
Peel the garlic clove, remove the internal core and let it brown for a few minutes in a pan with a spoonful of oil, then add the courgette slices and let them flavor for just a few moments.As soon as they start to soften, remove them from the heat and add the flowers for a quick sear with the heat off.Preheat the oven to 180°C.Meanwhile, flavor the millet with turmeric, a sprinkling of pepper and season it with a drizzle of oil.
La composizione dello sformatino © Beatrice Spagoni
The composition of the flan © Beatrice Spagoni
Olia 4 single-portion moulds, first line them with the courgette flowers, then the courgette slices, stuff with the seasoned millet, compressing it well with a spoon, and bake for about 20 minutes.Remove the flans from the oven, gently remove them from the molds and serve them sprinkled with a handful of toasted sesame seeds.
Lo sformato di miglio in tavola © Beatrice Spagoni
Millet flan on the table © Beatrice Spagoni

Curiosities and advice 

The mile hulled is a gluten-free cereal rich in nutrients.2023 has been declared the International Year of Millet by the United Nations (UN), precisely because it is very nutritious and sustainable, capable of adapting to climate change (it requires little water).


  • Boil the millet in plenty of lightly salted water.
  • Clean and wash the courgettes, then slice them thinly with the mandolin.
  • Also clean the flowers, delicately removing the internal pistil.
  • Peel the garlic clove, remove the internal core and let it brown for a few minutes in a pan with a spoonful of oil.
  • Add the courgette slices and let them flavor for just a few moments.
  • Remove them from the heat and add the flowers for a quick sear with the heat off.
  • Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • Season the millet with turmeric, a sprinkling of pepper and season it with a drizzle of oil.
  • Oil 4 single-portion molds, line them first with the courgette flowers, then the courgette slices.
  • Stuff with seasoned millet and bake for about 20 minutes.
  • Remove the flans from the oven, gently remove them from the molds and serve them sprinkled with a handful of toasted sesame seeds.
Licensed under: CC-BY-SA

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