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New data confirm that two thirds of methane emissions into the atmosphere are produced by humans.The goal is to reduce them by 30% by 2030.

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The President of the European Commission has announced the names of the commissioners for the 2024-2029 mandate.The approval of the European Parliament is now needed.

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The government and a group of private companies aim to raze an area of ​​forest in Indonesia 112 times the size of Washington.

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For the first time in Bologna, a reading group on the mountains comes to life, to meet together and listen to stories of excursions, peaks and landscapes:the first 4 appointments are between September and December

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Not only gluten free, buckwheat is a food dense in nutrients and bioactive substances.A real panacea for your health.

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A new study highlights that the rise of magma up to 4 kilometers is the main driver of the ongoing bradyseismic crisis

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The Security bill transforms the road block into a real crime but only if carried out with the body:a tailor-made rule that excludes other categories.

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