One year ago ChatGpt was born.Now AI can change the car travel experience, let's see how


One year after its launch, ChatGpt debuts on the car with the aim of improving the travel experience.With what results we tell you on board a DS model.

November 2022.OpenAi launches its artificial intelligence.A year later, artificial intelligence based on ChatGpt opens new scenarios in human-car interaction.Objective?“Provide more timely and complete responses than the previous voice recognition system,” explains a note from the French brand DS Automobiles.But how, that's all?Not exactly.In DS they call it Iris.At Tesla Grok.The substance doesn't change much:even if this is still an experimental phase which in fact only partially exploits the potential of artificial intelligence, the result is good.While driving, thanks to the well-known audio and voice recognition systems, you can (almost) communicate with your car, from which you obtain responses similar to human ones based on learning.

From voice assistant to travel companion

For now it is an "optional" still in the experimental phase, for this reason, a DS note clarifies, "being a new and developing technology, its responses or information may not be exactly accurate, correct or objective".And in fact, that's what we found in our albeit brief test aboard one DS4, one of the brand's most successful hybrid models:the main limitation is that to date ChatGpt is not connected in real time to an internet connection and is updated at the end of 2021.In short, as we show you in the video below, it is possible to ask for information on the history of the places, the geography, the literature or the local gastronomy.Current affairs remain excluded, at least for now.

The role of artificial intelligence on cars actually already goes far beyond…

From accident prevention to risk assessment up to monitoring of the driver.We have often returned to the potential of artificial intelligence in mobility:all over the world, in the automotive industry and beyond, teams of experts are being created for the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning and all those technologies and innovations that we can exploit to improve road safety and reduce errors human.

Much of the attention of governments and public opinion focuses on its ability to replicate human emotions or knowledge, or to converse as if it were "just" the evolution of a voice assistant.But the contribution of artificial intelligence in the world of mobility can go much further, thanks to the ability to make rational, coherent and safe decisions, often better than humans can.But also to make its contribution in the manufacturing supply chain, in quality control, in monitoring the production of car components.

The car driven by artificial intelligence already exists, and the results are surprising, especially regarding the ability to reduce human errors while driving, today the main cause of road accidents.For now, the objective of the DS brand is less ambitious, namely to provide an evolution of the digital assistant dedicated, “to provide a new travel experience”.Those who wish can take advantage of a trial period of up to 6 months, at no additional cost, until February 2024, to try this new service, currently available on a limited series of models (DS 3, DS 4, DS 7 and DS 9 ) and for a limited number of customers.

ChatGpt debutta su un modello DS
ChatGpt debuts on the car and becomes an assistant to ask everything.Or almost…©DS

Ok Iris, can you tell me the story of the Eiffel Tower?

ChatGpt:"Certainly!The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic symbols of Paris and the whole of France.Its history begins at the end of the 19th century.Here is an overview of its history...".Dialing with ChatGpt in the car is a bit like having a new traveling companion, let's say not yet completely "human", but on the right track:in the case of DS we cannot consider the conversation with Iris a real conversation, but it is certainly a tangible evolution compared to the most widespread virtual assistants, thanks to the possibility of asking questions connected to each other, as long as you do it in a limited time.

It matters little, the important thing is that "generative" artificial intelligence gradually becomes part of the idea of ​​travel, to make our lives easier, for now informing us about which works of art not to get lost in a museum, history of a monument or other more or less curious anecdotes:just say "Okay Iris”, press a button and the “conversation” can begin.“Since ChatGpt has been available, we have been working to integrate it into our systems and we are happy to be the first to offer this innovation in Europe,” he explained Yves Bonnefont, chief software officer of the Stellantis group.

The new DS 7 SUV © Ds Automobiles

ChatGpt, it's a short step from genie to threat to humanity

He wasn't the first to believe in the role of artificial intelligence in cars Elon Musk, which for some time in addition to using this technology to improve the autonomous driving on the electric car, he is focusing a lot Grok, that is, an artificial intelligence platform destined to become a sort of multisensory genius (capable of processing even complex audio and video files) to be questioned for every question and even capable of joking with multiple people at the same time, processing real-time content and always updated.

In short, we will hear more and more about artificial intelligence.In general we will benefit from it, such as the DS example of an application designed to improve the experience of traveling by car. But there are those who have long denounced the risks to humanity.Like Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of OpenAI.Yes, the very person who created the company that developed ChatGpt has repeatedly reiterated the "danger" that artificial intelligence could have for the survival of human civilization.Our "extinction" would be at risk. Who knows what Iris would think...

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