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There Organic Festival, a reference traveling event for Italian organic products, will make a stop in Milan on Saturday 9 March.Starting at 10am, at Giureconsulti Palace, in Piazza Mercanti 2, citizens and families are invited to participate for free at the event which, for this edition, will focus on the role that the women have, in various capacities, in ecological transition of food systems and on the commitment they carry forward to implement a turning point towards biological and theagroecology.
The inaugural conference of the Festa del Bio will be all female with the presence of Maria Grazia Mammuccini, president of Federbio, Barbara Nappini, president of Slow Food Italy, Nicoletta Maffini, president of Assobio, Fiorella Belpoggi, director emeritus ofRamazzini Institute of Bologna and member of the scientific committee of Isde Italia, Renata Alleva, specialist in food science, scientific committee of Isde Italia, e Maria Letizia Gardoni, president of Coldiretti Bio.
Organic Festival 2024 in Milan:the focus on the role of women in sustainable food systems
“Women have always played an important role in agricultural and food systems, from field to table, and today they are committed to changing production and consumption systems towards sustainability and respect for the environment also for future generations, for which organic performs a fundamental function,” he explained Maria Grazia Mammuccini, president of Federbio.“This is why we have chosen to put female empowerment at the center of the Organic Festival, which enriches the agricultural and food system as a whole.Thanks to their propensity for innovation, combined with determination and skills, women represent a driving force in rethinking an agriculture that responds to food challenges by guaranteeing sustainability, diversity, resilience and food security".
The program of the Milanese stage of the 2024 Organic Festival
At the opening press conference there will be several events throughout the day talk, led by Tessa Gelisio and Patrizio Rorverses, to tell the story of the choice of many municipalities to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides in their territory, to illustrate the link between organic and biodiversity, to explain how to read thelabel of an organic product and to understand why consuming organic is good for your health and the environment.The moments of debate will be interspersed with a contest on sustainable cuisine which will see the protagonists students of the hotel institute Amerigo Vespucci of Milan who will compete for the "organic ladle" e from a cooking show which will show how to prepare an organic recipe with low environmental impact.Throughout the day you can visit the stands of transformer manufacturers And taste organic products, while for the little ones they will be organized creative workshops.At 7pm the day will end with a organic aperitif for everyone.The detailed program It can be consulted on the event website and offers ideas for everyone, young and old.
The ecological transition as a response to the crisis of food systems
Organized by Federbio, with the participation of Legambiente, Slow Food Italia, Lipu, WWF Italia, Isde Doctors for the Environment, Assobio, Coalition CambiamoAgricoltura, La Buona Terra, Crédit Agricole Italia and with the support of LifeGate Radio, the Festa del Bio aims to raise awareness and reflect on the values of biological as an element capable of responding to the needs of Health, protection of ecosystems and contrast to climate changes.
“In this moment of great criticality for agricultural systems, it is extremely important to put food education back at the center and to reflect on the effects that our choices have on the health of people and the environment”, continued the president Mammuccini.“We need a growth in collective awareness that allows us to choose the quality of the food we consume, paying attention to seasonality, proximity and the containment of waste.The agroecological transition is the answer to the future of agri-food systems, it proposes a new way of producing and is based on a transparency pact between farmers and citizens".And for Federbio the path to take to increase organic consumption is also that of one environmental taxation which can contain prices for consumers and guarantee fair remuneration for producers.