Eating plant-based is easier than it seems, Veg Week shows us this


Settimana Veg returns from 10 to 16 June, the Being Animali initiative dedicated to anyone who wants to try following a plant-based diet.

If you have heard of vegan cuisine but have never had the opportunity to try it;if you would like to try but don't know where to start or you already follow a vegetarian diet and want to reduce or eliminate foods of animal origin, There Veg. Week it's the right opportunity.In fact, the initiative starts again today Being Animals dedicated to anyone who wants to try a plant-based diet for seven days, which has arrived this year tenth anniversary and which last year involved over 26 thousand members.

Why try eating more plant-based

The reasons for trying to reduce or eliminate foods of animal origin are many and mainly concern three macro-themes:

  • not wanting to contribute to the exploitation of animals
  • improve your health also through nutrition and want to have the least impactful ecological footprint possible
  • from this point of view, in fact, we know that eating vegetables is one of the most important actions we can do to limit our carbon footprint.

Here are some numbers:according to the calculations of Being Animals starting from the estimates of theIpcc And Our world in date, if the entire world population were vegan for just one day there would be a saving of 22 million tons of CO2, more than the annual emissions of Bolivia;according to data from Water Footprint we would save 6.5 billion cubic meters of water, equal to that needed to fill 2,600 Olympic swimming pools.And, equally important, second Animal Charity Evaluators the killing of over 2 billion animals would be avoided (also considering fish).In just one day.Not bad, right?But where to start trying to eat plant-based?

The Veg Week guide

There is it Veg. Week, the completely free Being Animals initiative that offers all the support and tools to try to change your diet.This year the cookbook guide contains daily menus signed by the creators Mrs.Veggy, Joysonfire, Giulia Pisco, Marica from Feeding on emotions And Wellnesswithbrina.But it doesn't end here, because for the members there will also be the inevitable indications from the nutritionist Silvia Goggi, the daily emails with advice from the È Animali team and, new this year, exclusive discounts for various products one hundred percent vegetable.To receive all the materials, simply register on the site

In addition to the daily emails, full of ideas and advice, there will also be various online contents and two live ones:a Tuesday 11th at 6.30pm with Silvia Goggi, which will answer users' questions about vegan nutrition on the Instagram page of Being Animals and one Saturday 15th at 3pm with the creator Mrs Veggy, who will explain how to make one of his recipes proposed in Veg Week, this on the Instagram page of IoScelgoVeg.

This is an accessible and playful challenge that shows anyone that following a plant-based diet is not a sacrifice, but rather an opportunity to discover new recipes, tasty ingredients and many useful curiosities to make your diet more sustainable and healthy.We are sure that our creators' recipes will make everyone fall in love, while at the same time helping to take the first steps towards a better lifestyle for animals, for the Planet and for health.

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