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The European Parliament's vote on the much-discussed issue regulation on packaging is getting closer.On Wednesday 22 November, the European Chamber is called to express its definitive opinion on the provision, which represents one of the pillars of Brussels' Green Deal.In the Environment Commission the text was approved without too many problems, but in view of the vote in plenary - which, in the event of a green light, would pave the way for the definitive approval of the regulation - things could get complicated.In fact, over 500 amendments have been presented in recent days.And among these, there are some that bear the signature of various Italian MEPs, belonging to very heterogeneous political forces.The objective is to safeguard the Italian recycling supply chain, one of the circular economy parameters on which Italy has long been a leader in Europe, and to use it as a lever to obtain some exemptions from the objectives related to reuse.
The common front of the Italians
Amendment 445 proposes a change to Article 22 of the regulation, which closely concerns the restaurant and hotel sector.The request is that economic operators can avoid having to comply with reuse targets if they demonstrate that "at least 85% by weight of the packaging waste they place on the market for immediate consumption is collected separately for recycling at the point of sale".An exemption on which the Italian MEPs have decided to make a common front.The amendment in fact bears the signatures of, among others,:Pina Picierno, Alessandra Moretti and Patrizia Toia (Pd), Nicola Danti (Italia Viva), Fabio Massimo Castaldo (M5s), Salvatore De Meo and Alessandra Mussolini (Forza Italia), Pietro Fiocchi and Nicola Procaccini (Brothers of Italy).In another amendment (446) signed by the same MEPs, it is also requested to establish a separate collection obligation for the hotel, restaurant and catering sector for food and drink packaging.What makes the dynamic particular is the fact that in the Environment Commission the PD MEPs did not oppose the regulation:Alessandra Moretti voted in favor, while Achille Variati abstained.In view of the vote in plenary, however, the entire Italian delegation (or almost) seems to have united to avoid the effects of the most penalizing measures for our country.
What does the regulation provide?
The text that has been discussed for months in Brussels (and elsewhere) is the so-called PPWR regulation (Packacing and Packaging Waste Regulation).The aim of the measure is to eliminate unnecessary packaging and at the same time make packaging easier to reuse.In 2009, 66 million tonnes of packaging waste were produced in the European Union.In 2021 the figure rose to around 84 million tonnes.The strategy with which Brussels aims to stem this phenomenon follows the three "Rs" of the circular economy:reuse, recovery and recycling.On the latter, Italy feels perfectly safe.In 2021, our country recorded a packaging recycling rate of 73.3%, exceeding the 70% target set by the European Union for 2030.However, the new regulation on which Brussels is working also focuses on ambitious reuse objectives.And in this field Italy's results are not as comforting.The goal of the new PPWR is to gradually reduce plastic packaging waste:10% by 2030, 15% by 2035, 20% by 2040.To reach these targets, the measures envisaged by the regulation are different, starting from the crackdown on single-use packaging and the ban on packaging considered avoidable starting from 1 January 2028:salad bags, orange nets, tomato baskets and more.
The government's opposition
The parties of the majority government in Italy, including the Minister for the Environment, expressed a strongly opposed opinion to the measure Gilberto Pichetto which states:«We continue to move towards a system that does not enhance the winning Italian model, but which puts it at risk.We will continue our battle in all community bodies to defend the reasons for an innovative supply chain that exceeds EU targets several years in advance."But the food sector associations also express doubts (Coldiretti, Filiera Italia, Cia, Confapi, Ancc-Coop, Ancd-Conad, Legacoop, Legacoop Agroalimentare, Legacoop Produzione&Servizi, Eu.Coop, Fai-Cisl and Uila-Uil) who have launched an appeal to the Italian government and MEPs to fight for a change to the regulation.
The European Chamber test
After the green light from the Environment Commission, the PPWR regulation will now have to pass the European Chamber test.As with most of the other provisions of the Green Deal, the regulation on packaging sees two opposing factions:on the one hand greens and centre-left, in favor of the new rules;on the other the conservatives.As always, the People's Party is the one holding the balance, which in this case seems to lean towards the "yes" to the regulation.The rain of amendments presented last week contributes to complicating the forecasts for the vote, scheduled for Wednesday 22 November.Faced with this situation, the president Roberta Metsola he might even think about sending everything back to the Environment Commission to iron out the final details.At the moment, however, this is a difficult road to travel.Another hypothesis instead envisages that the different political groups find an agreement to vote only for some amendments and reject all the others, so as to speed up the discussion and approve the regulation.Should the green light be received from the European Chamber, the PPWR would enter the final phase of negotiations with the EU Council.Before we get there, however, there still seem to be several points to clarify.
Photo credits:UNSPLASH